It can be difficult to set aside time to be quiet and present to the Lord with our busy schedules. We invite you to spend 30-40 minutes in meditative prayer, in which Christians of many denominations come together to pray. Everyone in the Creighton community and greater Omaha community is welcome!
Please contact Molly Mattingly for more information about the prayer services. You can also:
Taizé Prayer is evening prayer for all Christian faiths. It is a simple, meditative form of worship, calling us to dwell deeply on Christ's presence around and within us. Mantra songs (like "Jesus, Remember Me"), prayerful silence, and short readings guide the focus of the prayer in a candle-lit environment. Services at Creighton last about 30-40 minutes and typically include a volume of the St. John's Bible.
Taizé Prayer is named for the ecumenical Christian community formed in Taizé, France during World War II. Today the Taizé community includes brothers from all Christian denominations, including Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox traditions.