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ILAC Dental Program

Institute for Latin American Concern Dental Program

Service learning on a global scale.

1,200 patients; 6 rural campos; 1 annual trip: the Institute for Latin American Concern (ILAC) dental program sends teams to rural campos in the Dominican Republic each summer. These teams include two dental students, a volunteer dentist and often a faculty member.

Taking Dentistry Abroad

With generators, compressors, dental chairs and other equipment, Creighton dental students are able to provide an array of services to Dominican children and families. Services offered include:

  • Extractions
  • Fillings
  • Sealants
  • Cleanings

Providing Dental Care in Dominican Republic

The Creighton-ILAC Summer Health Program sends a group of Creighton health sciences students to rural campo communities of the Dominican Republic every summer. Dental students are among the students and professionals who come together with the Dominican residents to not only provide basic health care but to also spend time with families, giving charlas (“talks”) about the positive effect of preventative health care. The international experience puts Jesuit values into action for students while they also gain clinical and interprofessional skills.

Watch the video to hear about the hands-on experience. 

A History of Helping Others

ILAC began in the early 1970s as an immersion experience for Jesuits. The dental component has been a part of the program from its earliest days. As times and technologies change, the ILAC dental program continues to evolve. Creighton dental students discover new ways to make meaningful contributions to children and families in need—locally, nationally and globally.

Participating in outreach helps reaffirm that dentistry is what I want to do.
— John Kum DDS'16