Recycle Logo

I Recycle Pledge Sculpture


Join us at the "I Recycle Pledge" event, a part of the Campus Race to Zero Waste initiative! Contribute to raising awareness of sustainable material management by helping create a sculpture of the ♻Recycle Logo♻ using clean, recyclable plastics. Your participation is crucial – bring your clean recyclable plastic, engage in discussions on social justice and waste diversion, and relish some snacks while conversing with representatives from Conservation Nebraska, SCSJ, the Office of Sustainability Programs, Justice & Peace Studies Program and Sustainability Degree Programs.

Date and Time

Friday, February 9 2024 – 9:00AM to 3:00PM
Add to Calendar 20240209T090000Z 20240209T150000Z America/Chicago I Recycle Pledge Sculpture <p>Join us at the "I Recycle Pledge" event, a part of the Campus Race to Zero Waste initiative! Contribute to raising awareness of sustainable material management by helping create a sculpture of the&nbsp;♻Recycle Logo♻&nbsp;using clean, recyclable plastics. Your participation is crucial&nbsp;–&nbsp;bring your clean recyclable plastic, engage in discussions on social justice and waste diversion, and relish some snacks while conversing with representatives from Conservation Nebraska, SCSJ, the Office of Sustainability Programs, Justice &amp; Peace Studies Program and Sustainability Degree Programs.</p> Skutt Room 104


Skutt Room 104