EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening.
All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit my.creighton.edu for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well.
Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations.
Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.
This document serves as an overview of ethical conduct that shapes who we are as a University, and our responsibilities to each other and the wider good.
Consistent with the University’s mission statement, respecting the rights and dignity of all people is paramount. Creighton University is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all community members. Dedication to cura personalis – or care for the “whole person” as uniquely created by God – is a core Jesuit value. Acts of violence or sexual, racial and other forms of harassment, misconduct or discrimination will not be tolerated.
Creighton community members are expected to act in good faith and in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations – as well as policies, regulations, rules, guidelines and procedures of the University and its divisions, schools and colleges – across a spectrum of conduct and be responsible and accountable for their actions. Individuals are responsible to stay informed about and keep current with relevant legal obligations and University requirements general to everyone and related to a particular role or operational area. The Office of the General Counsel should be asked for advice whenever the interpretation of an applicable law is in doubt. Additionally, University policies are published on the Office of the General Counsel intranet website.
A conflict of interest refers to a situation in which an individual’s financial, professional or other personal considerations may directly or indirectly affect, or have the appearance of affecting, an individual’s professional judgment in exercising any University duty or responsibility. Creighton community members are charged with a fundamental obligation to act in the best interest of the University. This includes, but is not limited to, involvement in opportunities, transactions or relationships that influence or appear to influence the University’s business, administrative, academic, patient care, research or other decisions in ways that could lead to personal, professional, or financial gain or advantage of any kind. University policies obligate disclosure of any potential conflicts of interest and commitment.
As stewards of the University’s finances, assets and resources, Creighton community members are responsible for conducting their work in the highest ethical fashion and are accountable for their actions and their decisions. University resources should be used prudently and only for their intended purposes, consistent with the tax-exempt status of the University. Avoid waste and look for opportunities to conserve, reuse and recycle, in accord with the University’s commitment to sustainability. University funds, property or facilities should not be used for personal benefit or, without proper approval, the benefit of a non-University organization. Creighton community members are expected to exercise sound judgment and use resources in a manner that will further the interests of the University.
Creighton community members at all levels are expected to support compliance with applicable University policies and procedures as well as applicable laws, rules and regulations. Any Creighton community member who has reason to believe noncompliance has occurred is obligated to report the incident(s) and all relevant information to an appropriate University authority. An immediate supervisor should be notified when noncompliance is suspected, observed or otherwise made known. If there is reason to believe the supervisor may be involved in the noncompliance, the report should be made to the next higher level of management or to other University authorities, such as the Office of Human Resources or the Office of the General Counsel.
Reports made in good faith are protected under the University’s Whistleblower Protection policy. If at any time you have concerns or suspect violations of law or University policy, please report them to your supervisor, to any University official or to the Office of the General Counsel. If you prefer, you may also use the EthicsPoint hotline, online or via phone (855-256-0478), to report activities, anonymously if you prefer, that may involve serious misconduct, violations of laws and regulations, or breaches of Creighton University policy.
Certain information concerning the University – such as budget, financial and research information, as well as personal information related to faculty, staff, students, patients and donors – is confidential and should only be disseminated or shared by authorized individuals in accordance with University policies and applicable regulations and law.
Violations of these standards, of laws and regulations, or of University policies and procedures may carry disciplinary consequences.