The Center for Promoting Health and Health Equity (CPHHE) is a community-campus collaboration that promotes health and health equity through research, education and intervention. Community members and Creighton University health sciences faculty have formed a partnership of equal parity using seed funding from Nebraska Tobacco LB-692 monies.

The partnership develops, evaluates, and disseminates multidisciplinary culturally competent research methodologies and health promotion behavior interventions aimed at improving the health of vulnerable populations and reducing health disparities. Community health is the primary focus.

Our Mission

CPHHE identifies health disparities and effectively promotes health equity and health improvement in a collaborative community-Creighton partnership in accord with Ignatian values.

Our Vision

CPHHE significantly contributes to the elimination of ethnic, racial, and other health disparities in Nebraska and the region. CPHHE is valued and respected by communities and academia.

Guiding Values

Respect, justice, care and other ethical values guide this collaborative-partnering endeavor. Because CPHHE values good health, it serves as champions for enhancing our quality of life and the elimination of disparities that lead to negative health outcomes.


Partnership Community/Academia: The plan to eliminate health disparities in Nebraska is based on a triple Core approach that rests on a foundation of robust community and academic intersectoral partnering and collaboration.

Dr Kl

Sade Kosoko-Lasaki, MD, MSPH, MBA
Professor, Ophthalmology
Phone: 402-280-2332

J Stone

John R. Stone, MD, PhD
Professor, Center for Health Policy and Ethics
Phone: 402-280-2207


Holly Timberlake
Program Coordinator - CPHHE

Center for Promoting Health and Health Equity
Creighton University
2500 California Plaza
Hixson-Lied Science Bldg., Rm. G13
Omaha, NE 68178