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School of Law Mission Statement

For academic excellence that educates the whole person.

For the mind to flourish and intellectual curiosity to thrive, Creighton University School of Law believes you must develop as a whole. This philosophy comes from the tradition of “cura personalis”—Latin for “care of the whole person,” a hallmark of Jesuit education.

At Creighton School of Law, our mission is to provide the men and women of our student body intellectual challenge, academic rigor and an opportunity to develop a foundation of moral values for lifelong service in the law, to offer an environment to our faculty which encourages personal growth and scholarly achievement and to continue our long-established tradition of service to the Bar and citizens of the community.
— Creighton School of Law Mission Statement

RFK Teaching Award Recipient Kenneth Melilli, JD

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Accreditation, Bylaws and Academic Rules

Review our accreditation, bylaws and academic rules to get a better understanding of the Creighton School of Law and our principles of operation.