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Ronald Volkmer Immersion Trip

For every life-changing experience that will lead to a better world.

Through the Ronald Volkmer Dominican Republic Immersion Trip, you’ll learn about the Dominican judicial system, participate in service projects, grow in your faith, and experience all aspects of Dominican life, law and culture.

Your Experience

For a full week in early January, you’ll travel to the Dominican Republic with about a dozen Creighton law students and professor David Weber. During your time there, you’ll visit the Supreme Court of the Dominican Republic and the attorney general to learn how the Dominican judicial system functions. You’ll take fieldtrips in and around Santiago, including to the barrio of Cienfuegos, an office combating domestic violence, a cultural center, and the Catholic University Pontificia Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra (PUCCM). Past trips have also included visiting:

  • “Bateys,” which are company towns where sugar workers live
  • Dominican jails
  • North Shore
  • Dajabón, a city located on the border with Haiti
  • Trappist monastery outside of Jarabacoa

You’ll spend time in peasant farming communities, or “campesinos,” performing service projects, from cleaning up beaches to working on playgrounds to painting classrooms. You’ll spiritually evolve and grow in your faith through reflection and prayer time in the St. Omer Chapel at the Institute for Latin American Concern (ILAC) Center outside Santiago.


The Law School and Creighton University’s Division of Mission and Ministry have renamed the Dominican Republic trip to the Ronald Volkmer Dominican Republic Immersion Trip. Please honor him with a contribution to the Ronald Volkmer Dominican Republic Immersion Trip. Please make gifts payable to Creighton University. You can also make an online gift. Be sure to note that the gift is in honor of Professor Volkmer.

Female Creighton student with Dominican children smiling and having fun.

Serving in Dominican Republic

"This trip is a great blend of service, sightseeing and a chance to learn the Dominican culture." — Marcia Kapustin Kerrigan, Creighton law student | 2018 DR trip participant

Law students with faculty in Dominican Republic posing in group shot.