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Admissions Decisions

Decision Timeline

The Admissions Committee will begin considering applications in September and notify you as soon as a decision is made. Usually, decisions are made within three to four weeks. However, we have an option on our application where you will learn your decision within 14 business days. See the early decision admissions process.

Once completed, your application will be assigned to the Admissions Committee for review. Sometimes an applicant’s file may be “in review” for several weeks while the committee considers a decision. Ultimately, the committee may defer making a final decision until later in the admissions process by placing your file on Hold. 


As our Admissions Committee is reviewing applications, they may decide to admit, deny, or hold an application. A hold status means that at this point, the Committee is unable to reach a final decision on your application. A file that is placed on hold will undergo a second review by our Admissions Committee, typically in mid-April, at which time the Committee makes a final decision to admit, deny, or waitlist the applicant. 

If after a second review and the committee still cannot reach a decision, your file will then be placed on the Waitlist.


An applicant’s file can be on the Waitlist up until the first day of orientation, which is held in mid-August. Usually, the committee will go to the waitlist after our deposit due dates in April and in June have passed. The Waitlist is not a ranked list. The Admissions Committee will review all files if a seat becomes available.

Additional Materials

If your application is placed on hold, you are welcome, but not required, to submit

  • Additional letters of recommendation
  • A statement of your continued interest in Creighton School of Law
  • An addendum highlighting awards, activities and/or work experience achieved since you first submitted your application

You may submit materials via email or send a hard copy directly to the law school.

Visit Creighton

While your application is on hold, we invite you to visit the law school. You can meet with our admissions team, tour the campus, and meet with current students. Your visit will not, however, include an interview with the Admissions Committee.