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Hallie Hamilton

Hallie Hamilton

Hallie Hamilton

JD candidate 2021

Hallie Hamilton always knew she wanted to be a lawyer.  But fear of failure in law school and the law field gave her reservations, until she visited Creighton Law.  Her experiences inside and outside the classroom has set her on a path for success in the legal world, and as an incoming 3L, she already has a post-graduation clerkship set up.  


Hamilton provided us with a reflection of her journey from choosing a law school to where she’s going when she graduates in 2021.

I am a third-year law student at Creighton, and I began law school as a non-traditional student. After finishing my undergraduate degree in 2012, I worked for six years as the communication director for a non-profit for a policy organization.  Going to law school was something I always wanted to do but wasn’t sure I could do.  When I was ready to move on from my job, and look at my long-term career goals, I felt that law school was the best way to transition from the political world to the legal world.

Transitioning to law school was terrifying. Can I really do the work? Will I be able to understand the cases? What if I’m not smart enough? What if I can’t find a job after law school? These doubts plagued me during the process of practicing for the LSAT and selecting a law school. 

After visiting several law schools, it became apparent there was something different about Creighton. During my visit, one professor said to me, “Hallie, I think you’re going to be really good at this. I would love for Creighton to be a part of your journey.” Considering the flood of insecurities I was experiencing, having someone truly believe in me made all the difference in the world. That was the moment I knew Creighton would provide the encouragement and support that would make for the best legal education possible. 

While at Creighton I’ve interned with a federal appellate judge, worked in the Immigrant and Refugee Legal Clinic, became a Blackstone Legal Fellow, served as the president of the Federalist Society, won the 2019 Creighton Moot Court Competition, was selected as the editor in chief of the Creighton Law Review, and clerked for the Nebraska Attorney General’s Office. Excitingly, I have also already accepted an offer for a post-graduation judicial clerkship with Justice Jonathan J. Papik on the Nebraska Supreme Court. 
All of these things have been possible because the faculty and administration at Creighton Law School are student-focused. Professor Kristy Cote spent hours outside the classroom to help me understand the structure of legal writing. Professor Ken Melilli reviewed my work and said “you can do better.” Professor Colin Mangrum mentored me and helped me to chart the best course. These are just few examples of how professors at Creighton have gone above and beyond. Every day I am grateful Creighton Law School is a part of my journey.