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Message from the Chair

A Note from the Department of Clinical Research and Public Health Chair 

Maureen Tierney, MD, MSc

The Creighton University School of Medicine is a wonderful and unique center of medical education. Creighton medical community members are challenged to infuse their work with the following values: service to others, (men and women for and with others), the inalienable worth of each individual, and appreciation of ethnic and cultural diversity as exemplified by cura personalis (care for the individual person) and magis (translated as “more”). 

Our ultimate goal within the Department of Clinical Research and Public Health is to promote public health and create a clinical research environment that supports the clinical investigator. That support includes helping in the creation, performance and publication of research projects whose results improve medical knowledge and ultimately the care of patients. It also includes educating the next generation of public health professionals who can work to improve the health of the population as a whole, but especially for the most vulnerable populations.

Creighton offers education and ingenuity at the intersection of healthcare and humanity. The Department of Clinical Research and Public Health serves as a living example and extension of Creighton’s mission.  

– Maureen R . Tierney, MD, MS, FIDSA, Professor, 

Associate Dean for Clinical Research and Public Health, Medical Director for Clinical Research, CHI Health