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Submission Guidelines

QUEST is now accepting articles and original works of art for consideration.

Student submissions must include the name and recommendation of a faculty sponsor who can vouch for its quality. In order to submit an article, an original piece of creative writing, or an original work of art for consideration, please send the following to Dr. Ryan Spangler (, editor of QUEST. The deadline for all submissions is June 1, 2021:

  • Cover page with the a) title, b) name of submitter, c) name of institution, d) area of study, e) name of faculty sponsor

  • Second page should include an abstract of no more than 500 words. For original works of writing or art, please submit a brief description of the work

  • Third and all ensuing pages should omit the name of the submitter from the article or original work of art for consideration

  • Complete bibliography/works cited page (if applicable)

  • Brief letter/email from faculty sponsor indicating support for the submission

For an article submission, please consider the following guidelines before sending it:

  • Submit your essay in .docx format

  • Follow Chicago Manual of Style, Notes and Bibliography System (see

  • Font & Spacing

    • All font, including endnotes and page numbers, should be Times New Roman size 12 point. Only the endnote numbers should be in superscript. The entire manuscript should be double-spaced, with no extra spacing before or after any text. The first paragraph of your essay should not be indented, nor the first paragraph in a block quotation.

    • Do not use bold for emphasis. Use italics for emphasis within the text when necessary.

    • Never use two spaces between sentences or after a colon.

  • Page Layout

    • Use 1 inch margins on every page (top, bottom, left, right)

  • Page Numbering

    • Page numbers should be centered on the bottom of the page.

  • Images, Tables & Charts

    • Do not insert the image, chart, or table into the text of the manuscript. Insert a ?call out? as follows, with one blank line above and below the call out:

      • <insert Figure 1.1 approximately here>

    • Attach the images, charts, and tables as a separate document

  • Images and charts are labeled as ?Figures? and a series of columns and rows with data are labeled as ?Tables?