Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Miniature Sculptures

Miniature Sculptures by Timothy P. Schmalz

These are just some of the sculptures we have at our gift shop. Prices are shown below each sculpture.

To view his full collection of sculptures, you can visit the website:

Call or email to place your order with us. Items may be shipped anywhere or free delivery to the Creighton University campus. Shipping charges vary and can be shared once selection and delivery address determined. 

Phone: 712-778-2466


Thank you for your time in browsing and enjoy.

Homeless Jesus sculpture
I Knew You In The Womb sculpture
Joy to the World Nativity sculpture
Sacred Partnership sculpture

Homeless Jesus

Inspired by Matthew: 25, this sculpture is a representation that suggests Christ is with the most marginalized in our society. The Christ figure is shrouded in a blanket the only indication that it is Jesus is the visible wounds on the feet.

$90.00 ea.

5”h x 9.75”w x 3.5”d

I Knew You In the Womb

An angel weeps over an empty cradle, a powerful pro-life image and a touching memorial for any children that have been lost.

$90.00 ea.

7.75″h x 4.5″w x 8″d

Joy to the World Nativity

This unique and Joyous depiction of the Nativity reminds us that it is a time to celebrate.

$90.00 ea.

10″h x 8″w x 7″d

Sacred Partnership

The presence of Jesus as an alcove in loving relationships between man and woman. This sculpture highlights that there are 3 in a marriage.

$70.00 ea.

8″h x 4.5″w x 4.5″d

Pregnant Holy Family - Expecting sculpture
Mother Mary - Alpha & Omega sculpture
Pieta - Alpha & Omega sculpture
Cross of Life sculpture

Pregnant Holy Family - Expecting

This is a pro-life image of the Nativity and Holy Family. Joseph’s gesture draws the viewer’s attention to Mary’s pregnant form.

$90.00 ea.

7.5” h x 7.5”w x 4.75”d

Mother Mary - Alpha & Omega

Originally created as one half of a Diptych. Although alone it is still one of the most beautiful sculptures of the Madonna & Child. When placed in proximity to its counterpart “The Pieta” the space between the two really captures His life, and the sacrifice is very evident when understood through the lens of His Mother.

$90.00 ea.

7”h x 6.75”w x 4.5”d

Pieta - Alpha & Omega

Originally created as one half of a Diptych. Although alone it is still one of the most beautiful sculptures of the Pieta. When placed in proximity to its counterpart “Mother Mary” the space between the two really captures His life, and the sacrifice is very evident when understood through the lens of His Mother.

$90.00 ea.

7”h x 10”w x 4.5”d

Cross of Life

An intricate work of fine art that embodies the theology of our salvation through the cross.

$90.00 ea.

12″h x 4.75″w x 4.75″d

Father sculpture
A Quiet Moment sculpture
Blessed Kateri Kekakwitha sculpture
Maternal Bond sculpture


This sculpture shows the playfulness, intimacy and love in that special relationship between any father & son.  The connection between the two is expressed by the simple gesture of Jesus reaching out & touching Joseph's face.

$70.00 ea.

8" x 6.5" x 4"

A Quiet Moment

Jesus, Mary and Joseph portrayed in perfect harmony, love and peace. A celebration of the purity of love.

$100.00 ea.

9″H x 7″W x 6″

Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha

Blessed Kateri is shown clenching her cross as she did before her martyrdom.  She is standing on a mound of turtles, a symbol of her native heritage. Prior to her conversion as a Native American Christian she was born into the Turtle Clan. This is in a flagstone color.

$60.00 ea.

11" x 5.5" x 5"

Maternal Bond

Mary envelopes the child Jesus in motherly love cradling Him in her arms with her cheek gently pressed to His face as He plays with her hair.

$90.00 ea.

6.5″h x 6.75″w x 4.5″d

Be Not Afraid sculpture
Triumph sculpture
Fruit of Thy Womb sculpture
Joy of the Family sculpture

Be Not Afraid

At the point of utter despair an angel rushes in to lift the spirits of this distraught individual.

$90.00 ea.

11″h x 4″w x 7″d


The hands of God the Father open to reveal the mystery and triumph of the resurrection.

$90.00 ea.

12.5″h x 6″w x 3.5″d

Fruit of Thy Womb

An intimate and heart- warming sculpture of the Visitation. Elizabeth shown on her knees with her ear on Mary’s pregnant stomach and her hand on her own.

$75.00 ea.

10.25”h x 6.25”w x 4”d

Joy of the Family

A visual interpretation of the celebration of the family. Emblematic of a design serving the emotion of Joy.

$75.00 ea.

11″h x 4″w x 3.75″d

Love's Bond sculpture
Visitation sculpture
Juan Diego sculpture
When I Was Hungry & Thirsty sculpture

Love's Bond

A scene showing a joyous everyday occasion in a loving family. All of the figures look to each other forming a circle, the symbol of eternity.

$90.00 ea.

9.5" x 10" X 5"


The mirrored design accentuates the excitement and joy of this united experience reflected in both Mary and Elizabeth as the child leaps in her womb.

$90.00 ea.

8.75″h x 5.5″w x 3.5″d

Juan Diego

Arguably one of the most popular Hispanic Saints of modern time, in this masterpiece Timothy has captured that miraculous moment where St. Juan fell to his knees before Bishop Zumárraga and the image appeared on his tilma.

$75.00 ea.

8.5″h x 5″w x 5.5″d

When I Was Hungry & Thirsty

Inspired by the Gospel of Matthew 25:40, this sculpture is a visual representation of Charity. It tells us that we need to see Christ in the poor and the hungry and that we should see our acts of kindness to them as kindness to Him.

$75.00 ea.

7.5″h x 6″w x 6″d

When I Was A Stranger sculpture
Upon This Rock Sculpture
Generations sculpture
Tranquility sculpture

When I Was A Stranger

The image of Jesus is that of a vagabond or transient homeless with his life in a tattered bag on His back and reminds us that we are to welcome not alienate others from our social circles.

$75.00 ea.

7”H x 4.5”W x 6.75”D

Upon This Rock

St. Peter is formed from rock as he triumphantly grasps the key with both hands, strong in his stance, unmoved by the gales of a storm.

$50.00 ea.

10.5" x 5" x 4"


An intimate depiction highlighting the sanctity of the family including the loving stability that grandparents offer our future generations.

$90.00 ea.

7.25″h x 5.75″w x 6.75″d


A father sits awake protectively cradling his sleeping wife and new born baby. A sculpture that allows us to appreciate the nativity.

$75.00 ea.

6″h x 7″w x 3.25″d

Always There sculpture
Officer Needs Help sculpture
Drawing Strength sculpture
Fire Fighter Memorial sculpture

Always There

Jesus comforts a young woman with a tender embrace showing us all that we are never alone.

$70.00 ea.

7.5”h x 5.5”w x 3.75”d

Officer Needs Help

Jesus is shown hugging a police officer. Comfort, strength and purpose can be drawn from our faith.

$70.00 ea.

9”h x 3”w x 3”d

Drawing Strength

A weary Fire Fighter is shown embracing Christ. Drawing strength and courage from his faith.

$70.00 ea.

9”h x 3”w x 3”d

Fire Fighter Memorial

Fire Fighters rush to the scene under the cover of angel's wings while the angels kneel in sorrow for the Fire Fighter's fallen brothers.

$70.00 ea.

9" x 5.5" x 4.5"


Contact Us

Creighton University Retreat Center
16493 Contrail Ave.
Griswold, IA 51535

Phone: 712.778.2466

Private retreats can be scheduled with or without direction sessions.
Before your arrival, please review these details about the Creighton University Retreat Center.