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About the SCSJ

Service. Community. Reflection.
Building a more just world.

Visit us in Upper Brandeis Hall, Suite 202.
Contact us at or at 402-280-1290
Click on the tabs at left to read about our work, history and mission.

As an integral part of a Jesuit Catholic university education, the John P. Schlegel, SJ, Center for Service and Justice awakens hearts and lives of solidarity to build a more just world.

To interact with us, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Instagram.

Praxis Newsletter: Updates from the Schlegel Center for Service and Justice

We are excited to share with you our most recent Praxis Newsletter. Thanks for all your support of the SCSJ!

Praxis Newsletter

Our "Becoming" Documentary

In 2016, Creighton graduates Mike Rios and Nico Sandi helped create a video of our students reflecting on the October 6, 2000 speech from Fr. Peter Hans-Kolvenbach, S.J., on “The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice in American Jesuit Higher Education”. In this speech, he says, “The real measure of our Jesuit universities lies in who our students become.”

See how our students are "becoming" while and after engaging with our work!

Becoming Video
Watch Video