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Ignatian Advocacy

As the Schlegel Center for Service and Justice we seek to form students to help meet basic needs and work for structural change with and sometimes on behalf of those experiencing poverty and injustice. We look to resources such as the "two feet of love in action" which assert that we need service/charity and the work of justice and social change to build a more just world. We do this in community and with key partners. We hope you will join us for a faith-justice conference, internship or one time workshop experience. We invite all SCSJ program participants to learn about Ignatian Advocacy. 


Connect, learn, and engage with students and advocacy partners.

We encourage students to join one of the below opportunities to network, engage, learn, and meet other passionate student leaders also working to build a more just world.

If interested in these or other opportunities, contact our Associate Director Kelly Tadeo Orbik.

Faith Justice Conferences and Formation Opportunities

Washington DC Conference each winter.

Join us at the next in-person gathering of U.S. Catholic social ministry leaders organized by the Department of Justice, Peace and Human Development, 10 USCCB departments, and 20 national Catholic organizations! 

The 2023 theme is, “Blessed are the Peacemakers” (Mt. 5:9), which recognizes the call to heal in a world broken by conflict, division, and inequality.

We invite you to join the SCSJ's delegation for the Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day on Saturday, February 10, 2024. The event will provide information about particular concerns we all share, including restorative justice, school safety, mental health, environment, education, economics, and housing. Attendees will learn about general advocacy - what it is, what it includes, how to do it and how not to do it!

(Registration for Creighton University Students)  
Free (to students) faith-justice conference, transportation provided Sat. Feb. 10th ~ 7 am departure from campus, return by 3:30 pm. We invite you to join the SCSJ's delegation for the Ecumenical Legislative Briefing Day!! We will meet at 24th street shuttle stop near Deglman Square to ride a Creighton shuttle to Lincoln, Nebraska for the daylong conference. 
It's been called a 'mini IFTJ' to learn about social justice issues and meet other passionate advocates in Nebraska. This conference has been going for over 40 years! Contact for more information. 
More information is available

“This event was impressive, an intergenerational coalition of interested people working to make Nebraska better.” — Christophe Schema, class of 2023.  

On March 28, 2023, members of the Creighton University community will meet virtually with congressional offices and urge policymakers to take action on behalf of refugees in partnership with JRS USA. During JRS/USA’s Advocacy Day we will encourage policymakers to provide critical humanitarian assistance to refugees overseas and welcome refugees and asylum seekers within our own borders.This is one formation opportunity for students to learn how to participate in and lead a legislative visit using Ignatian Advocacy guidelines and priorities. 

“Recently, I participated in a legislative visit with Representative McCollum’s office. I am always impressed by how transparent and eager they are to speak with constituents. For the past two years, I have been involved with legislative visits through the SCSJ. My confidence in doing so has grown exponentially. This stems in part from practice, but mainly has come from the realization that this advocacy is fundamental to our democracy. It is the responsibility of both the representative and constituent to engage in this way. I am grateful for these lessons as I set out into my career.” Clare Fitzpatrick, Creighton University, College of Arts and Sciences, Class of 2021  
“Thanks so much for this coordination and effort.  It was a smooth and inspiring process, and I learned a lot! I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to collaborate with Creighton colleagues and students to bring specific refugee issues and asks directly to the elected officials representing me. I think I can speak for the group in saying that we remain hopeful and optimistic that our time today and our passion for refugees’ thriving and flourishing will bear fruit in the decisions that the elected officials make in the near future!” Gratefully, Colleen Chiacchere, Director, Magis Catholic Teacher Corps  
“Amazing! Look at the Creighton group delivering results! We can’t thank you enough!” Josh Utter, Jesuit Refugee Service USA 

Creighton University is a member of the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Through this partnership, we are able to support student attendees at annual conferences such as the Ignatian Justice Summit and the Ignatian Family Teach-in for Justice. 

The 2023 Ignatian Justice Summit was July 16-19 in Cleveland, Ohio. Participants took part in four days of networking; sharing goals, challenges, and best practices; sharpening organizing/advocacy skills; praying and learning about the Ignatian call to work for justice; and committing to taking coordinated, collaborative action returning to campus. The Summit featured leaders in the immigration and environmental movements and policy experts whose work is grounded in Ignatian thought. Presentations and workshops allowed attendees to build organizing/advocacy skills and take a deep-dive into either migration justice or environmental justice. 

As a Catholic Relief Services Global Campus students are invited to annual fall training and monthly chapter meetings. 

Faith-Justice Internship Opportunities

Students participating in faith-justice internships will:
  • Become faith justice leaders among their Jesuit/Catholic University peers
  • Lead others in engaging the legislative system to change structures with and on behalf of the poor and marginalized
  • Gain connections for personal and professional discernment and development in fields including social justice policy
  • Reflect on their own talents and passions as they connect with the needs of our world
  • Internships available during the academic year and/or summer