Academic Success Coaching

An academic success coach can help you manage your time, study smarter, plan for exams, minimize test anxiety, identify the ways you learn best, and get connected to other resources on campus.

Students at all levels can benefit from academic success coaching; it's one of the best ways to personalize your education and stay on track from start to finish. Just like athletes need coaches to reach the next level, students become smarter, stronger, and more successful with coaching.

To meet with an academic success coach you can visit us during drop-in hours (see below) or request and appointment by emailing

Rachel Jones, MAEd, Academic Success Consultant, School of Medicine
Phoenix Health Sciences Campus, The Success Center, 6th Floor
602.406.7089 |

Claudia Mares, Academic Success Consultant, School of Medicine
Phoenix Health Sciences Campus, The Success Center, 6th Floor
602.812.4519 |

Greg Lapriore, Academic Success Consultant, College of Nursing
Phoenix Health Sciences Campus, The Success Center, 6th Floor
602.812.4991 |

Bailey Wilson, Academic Success Coordinator, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions/PA Program
Phoenix Health Sciences Campus, The Success Center, Rm. 611F
602.812.4449 |

Drop-In Academic Success Coaching

Assistant Academic Success Coaches are available in the Success Hubs 6 days a week - no appointment required! Click here for more information!

Contact Us

Office of Academic Success
2500 California Plaza
Omaha, NE 68178
Reinert Alumni Library Building,
Suite L27 (lower level)