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Frankie Pastor-Rivera

“Creighton has taught us through the Jesuit values to be open-hearted to all people." — Frankie Pastor-Rivera 

Seeing ‘Democracy in Action’ During His Internship 

As an intern in the U.S. House of Representatives, Frankie Pastor-Rivera worked in the office of a South Carolina congressman. He corresponded with constituents, attended education policy meetings, saw the Prime Minister of India speak at a Joint Session of Congress and celebrated Independence Day on the National Mall. “You get to see democracy in action,” he says of his experience in the nation’s capital. Frankie, a College of Arts and Sciences student, hopes to turn his interest in public service into a career. 

“Creighton has taught us through the Jesuit values to be open-hearted to all people. When we're open-hearted to all people, we continuously learn,” says Frankie. “My internship experience is definitely the first step in the direction that I want to go.” 

A Look Into Frankie's Internship

Frankie Pastor-Rivera taking photos on Washington mall
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