Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

  1. Make an appointment with the John P. Fahey Career Center - Meeting with a Career Advisor will help you get start on the right track. They will provide an overview of all the services available to you during your job search and offer you support.
  2. Select a coach - Identify someone who will support and mentor you throughout the job search process (faculty member, Career Center Advisor, mentor, etc.).
  3. Start early - It will usually take 3-6 months to find a job.
  4. Set goals for the week - Determine how many emails, phone calls, and visits you are going to make each week.
  5. Make a professional contact list - Keep a list of professional contacts and update it as you meet people or have interviews. It will save time to have all this information in one file or document.
  6. Use several job search methods concurrently - To maximize your results use as many job search strategies as possible to ensure your success in a timely fashion.
  7. Keep copies of resumes and cover letters - Although each resume and cover letter should be tailored to a particular position, keeping copies of your correspondence will make future writing easier, and you will know exactly what you provided each employer.

There are many steps to a job search and it can be quite time consuming, but with the proper preparation and approach it will be a rewarding and successful experience. Statistics show that only 20% of jobs are actually published and 80% of jobs remain hidden in the job market. For this reason it is important to use a variety of resources during your job search.

The following is a summary of tips and resources available to assist you. Please see the Internship and Job Search Resources on our website to find detailed information on career literature and company research, job listings, publications, employer rankings, and professional associations.

On-Campus Interviews

  • Each fall and spring, local and national employers conduct on-campus interviews for full-time and internship positions. Campus interviewing schedules are managed online in Handshake. All interviews are held in the Career Center.

Career Fairs

  • Each fall and spring, employers, graduate and professional school programs, and volunteer organizations recruit Creighton students for career,  internship, and academic opportunities. See Career Fair Tips to make the most out of these events.


  • Talk to friends, family, and acquaintances about job opportunities, and/or people they know in companies or occupations that interest you. See Networking Resources

Informational Interviews

  • Conduct informational interviews with individuals who work in the profession you're interested in, and/or who work for a company for which you would like to work.
  • Informational interviews are a great networking tool and will help you gain valuable information. 

Handshake - Creighton Career Management Platform

  • Positions are posted on the website daily.

Chamber of Commerce

Human Resources Offices & Career Websites

  • Visit Human Resources offices and career websites of organizations to view current openings and to complete applications.

Job Websites (See Job Search Resources for more job search websites)

Employment Agencies -- there are two kinds

  • Employer fee paid -- individuals register with the employment agency.  If the agency finds the individual a position the company pays the agency a fee.
  • Employee fee paid -- if the company finds the individual a position the individual will pay the agency a percentage of his/her income in return for their service.  (The Career Center does not recommend this option.)

Temporary Employment Agencies

  • Working for a temporary agency is a great way to get exposure to different companies and receive an income while job searching.  Temporary positions often turn into full time positions.

City, State, & Federal Government Jobs

Library References 

Other Resources

  • Forbes and Fortune's Lists of Rankings 
  • Almanac of American Employers
  • The Corporate 1000
  • Finding a Job in the Non-profit Sector
  • The Corporate Jobs Outlook
  • Midlands Business Journal
  • National Business Employment Weekly
  • Better Business Bureau