Sample Syllabus Statements

The Office of Disability Accommodation has provided this compendium of disability statements which may be used 'as is' or modified. Note that different University schools and colleges have different personnel and offices. The Office of Disability Accommodations is headed by Denise LeClair and primarily works with the College of Arts and Sciences, College of Nursing, Heider College of Business, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Graduate School, School of Law, and College of Professional Studies. Students in the School of Dentistry and School of Medicine primarily work with resource personnel within that school or college.

Any student who requires accommodations to complete the requirements and expectations of this course because of a disability is invited to make his or her needs known to the instructor and to the Office of Disability Accommodations.

If you have a disability which will require testing or classroom accommodations, please see me during the first week of classes. Reasonable accommodations will be made after verification from the Office of Disability Accommodations.

If you have a disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, please make an appointment with me during my office hours. A letter from the Office of Disability Accommodations verifying your accommodations will be needed.

If you have a disability for which you need an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Accommodations located in the Old Gym, Room 437, (402-280-2166) as early as possible in the semester. You will then contact your instructor after receiving information from the Office of Disability Accommodations.

Students with disabilities who require special accommodations need to get a letter that documents the disability from the Office of Disability Accommodations (280-2166). This letter should be presented to me at the beginning of the semester so we can discuss accommodations.