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Education in Our Community

At Creighton, You'll Achieve Your Greatest Ambitions

As a Jesuit college that operates by Jesuit values, we’re fully committed to service and recognizing the inalienable worth of each individual.

Our Educational Opportunity Center fulfills Creighton’s mission by offering educational opportunities that will help you achieve your goals and unlock your greatest potential.

Need help completing high school requirements? The center offers GED and ABE courses. If you’re ready to go back to college but aren’t sure where to start, take advantage of our college prep and financial counseling.

Other programs you might consider are the center’s TRIO offerings, which help break down barriers to education. Check out Upward Bound, Educational Talent Search or the Gates Millennium Scholars Program.

Are you the first in your family to go to college? Look into the Ignatian College Connection for college-prep resources. Creighton awards two full scholarships in this program each year to high school students who choose Creighton.

Through a careful process of exploring mutually beneficial relationships, Creighton professors can deepen learning in their classrooms through meaningful and relevant service with community partners.
— Tom Kelly, PhD | Director of the Office of Academic Service-Learning