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Criterion One. Mission

Criterion One. Mission

The institution's mission is clear and articulated publicly; it guides the institution's operations.

     Tricia Sharrar, co-chair    
     Mary Kunes-Connell, co-chair 

     Writing Team:
     Eileen Burke-Sullivan, University Mission and Ministry
     Jim Howard, Dental School    
     Rene Padilla, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions/Office of Global Engagement 
     Sarah Rider, Alumni Relations/Engagement and Internal Relations   
     Mervin Vasser, Health Sciences-Multicultural and Community Affairs
     Student Representative: Chad Nieri, College of Arts and Sciences 

     Consulting Team:  Campus colleagues participant list to be added.

Core Components

1.A. The institution's mission is broadly understood within the institution and guides its operations.

       1.  The mission statement is developed through a process suited to the nature and culture of the institution
            and is adopted by the governing board.
       2.  The institution's academic programs, student support services, and enrollment profile are consistent with
            its stated mission.
       3.  The institution's planning and budgeting priorities align with and support the mission. (This sub-component
            may be addressed by reference to the response to Criterion 5.C.1.)

1.B. The mission is articulated publicly.

       1.  The institution clearly articulates its mission through one or more public documents, such as statements of
            purpose, vision, values, goals, plans, or institutional priorities.
       2.  The mission document or documents are current and explain the extent of the institution's emphasis on the
            various aspects of its mission, such as instruction, scholarship, research, application of research, creative
            works, clinical service, public service, economic development, and religious or cultural purpose.
       3.  The mission document or documents identify the nature, scope, and intended constituents of the higher
            education programs and services the institution provides.

1.C. The institution understands the relationship between its mission and the diversity of society.

       1.  The institution addresses its role in a multicultural society.
       2.  The institution's processes and activities reflect attention to human diversity as appropriate within its
            mission and for the constituencies it serves.

1.D. The institution's mission demonstrates commitment to the public good.

       1.  Actions and decisions reflect an understanding that in its educational role the institution serves the public,
            not solely the institution, and thus entails a public obligation.
       2.  The institution's educational responsibilities take primacy over other purposes, such as generating financial
            returns for investors, contributing to a related or parent organization, or supporting external interests.
       3.  The institution engages with its identified external constituencies and communities of interest and responds
            to their needs as its mission and capacity allow.

For a complete list of criteria, full descriptions and components:

We welcome input and ideas from all students, staff, and faculty, and others.
You may direct comments, questions, and suggestions to