Self-Study and Your Involvement

Your Contribution and Involvement

The Evaluative Process

Creighton University's evaluative process is a collective reflection, sharing and dialogue of the Creighton community.  Leading the effort is the HLC Executive Committee, who guides the assurance process, provides opportunities for campus-wide conversation participation, and produces the assurance report.  

Who's Involved

University community (faculty, staff, students, administration, alumni and Board of Trustees) involvement is essential to the success of this process and how it defines our present and shapes our future. 

Your involvement may take several paths to a successful institutional accreditation visit include:

  1. Participating on criterion writing teams and focus groups. There will be many opportunities for faculty, staff, students, alumni, and others to take part in committees/subcommittees, task forces, and other self-study process activities.
  2. Attending open forums, town hall meetings, and other venues. Multiple venues will be available to keep abreast of the latest information as well as provide opportunities to comment on the process and draft assurance arguments.
  3. Giving input on the draft assurance arguments of the five core accreditation criteria.  Opportunities will exist for reviewing and commenting on the draft assurance argument documents within respective schools/colleges and departments, as well as across the university campus community.