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Criterion Two. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct

Criterion Two. Integrity: Ethical and Responsible Conduct

The institution acts with integrity; its conduct is ethical and responsible.

     Jess Graner, co-chair  
     Gail Jensen, co-chair  

     Writing Team:
     Amy Badura-Brack, College of Arts and Sciences
     Mary Chase, Enrollment Management  
     Joe Knezetic, Sponsored Programs  
     Colette O'Meara-McKinney, President's Office  
     Paul Tomoser, Internal Audit
     Student Representative: Jhone White-Lucas, College of Arts and Sciences

     Consulting Team: Campus colleagues participant list to be added.   

Core Components

2.A. The institution operates with integrity in its financial, academic, personnel, and auxiliary functions; it establishes and follows policies and processes for fair and ethical behavior on the part of its governing board, administration, faculty, and staff.

2.B. The institution presents itself clearly and completely to its students and to the public with regard to its programs, requirements, faculty and staff, costs to students, control, and accreditation relationships.

2.C. The governing board of the institution is sufficiently autonomous to make decisions in the best interest of the institution and to assure its integrity.

       1. The governing board's deliberations reflect priorities to preserve and enhance the institution.
       2. The governing board reviews and considers the reasonable and relevant interests of the
           institution's internal and external constituencies during its decision-making deliberations.
       3. The governing board preserves its independence from undue influence on the part of donors,
           elected officials, ownership interests, or other external parties when such influence would not
           be in the best interest of the institution.
       4. The governing board delegates day-to-day management of the institution to the administration
           and expects the faculty to oversee academic matters.

2.D. The institution is committed to freedom of expression and the pursuit of truth in teaching and learning.

2.E. The institution's policies and procedures call for responsible acquisition, discovery and application of knowledge by its faculty, students, and staff.

       1. The institution provides effective oversight and support services to ensure the integrity of
           research and scholarly practice conducted by its faculty, staff, and students.
       2. Students are offered guidance in the ethical use of information resources.
       3. The institution has and enforces policies on academic honesty and integrity.

For a complete list of criteria, full descriptions and components:

We welcome input and ideas from all students, staff, and faculty, and others.
You may direct comments, questions, and suggestions to