Centers of Excellence

Centers of excellence provide exceptional opportunities.

Creighton University College of Arts and Sciences is home to centers of excellence that give you access to important undergraduate research opportunities and world-class scholars, exhibits, concerts and other events.

Expand your mind, the benefits of your liberal arts and sciences education—and your resume—by taking in what the following centers have to offer:

  • Asian World Center —Raise your awareness and understanding of Asian cultures and important historical and international happenings in the Asian world.
  • Center for Henry James Studies —Enrich your understanding of one of the most important U.S. literary figures in history through the center’s library, including the letters James wrote to more than more than 900 individuals.
  • Center for Mathematics of Uncertainty (Fuzzy Math) —Learn from visiting professors from all over the world and others who are involved in research in this branch of mathematics.
  • Kripke Center for the Study of Religion & Society —Expand your worldview through this center, which promotes a deeper understanding between and among faith communities, especially Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
The faculty at Creighton work closely with us on our research projects and push us to think critically and creatively.
— Connor Griggs, Biochemistry major

We're here for the future leaders.