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Creighton in Pictures

We talk about our Creighton voice, but our photography lets us show it up close (and from every other angle). All photos of individuals should show them engaging with their surroundings or each other and/or display dynamic movement. When possible, leave negative space for type and graphic overlay.

Hero Photography

Hero photography should be captured from low angles to represent a hopeful, upward trajectory. Light subjects from behind, and when possible, shoot during “golden hour” (shortly after sunrise or before sunset).


Hero Portraiture 

Note: the photographs shown here are for placement only and intended for stylistic inspiration.
samples of hero photos

Hero Environmental 

Note: the photographs shown here are for placement only and intended for stylistic inspiration.
Various images around Creighton campus such as sculptures, St. John's church and people walking on Creighton mall.
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Hero Action 

Note: the photographs shown here are for placement only and intended for stylistic inspiration.
Hero Action

Secondary Photography

Not every photograph can, or should, be captured in the “hero” style. For secondary images, showcase Creighton’s formative community through interpersonal interactions. Capture disciplines and their impact through detail shots, inviting the viewer into the scene.

Secondary Photography

Light Leak Filters

To create a “hero style” effect on a standard photo, open the image in Photoshop or InDesign and add a “light leak” layer above. Set the layer to “Overlay” in the effects panel and adjust opacity and orientation as desired. Note that this effect is most successful when applied to an image with an existing natural light source.

To access our light leak filters, contact Shannon Johnson, Creative Director, at


Light Leak Filters