
Taylor Rowland

Class of 2023

I was the president of Creighton’s accounting honor society chapter, and through research I explored how economic development can empower women. And I could do it all because I’m a Bluejay. Creighton helped me become a leader for tomorrow.

Accounting and Business Intelligence and Analytics, Heider College of Business

As someone who grew up without a strong faith tradition, I never expected to attend a religious university. But I was inspired by Creighton’s commitment to the Jesuit values of service and justice and by its mission to shape “men and women for and with others.”

Since attending Creighton, I’ve tried to live out those values in several areas. As an accounting and business intelligence and analytics major, I began exploring the question of whether economic globalization positively impacts the rights of women worldwide. The data I studied seemed to indicate that it does. Exploring this research during my time at Creighton helped me know I could have an impact in the lives of women and can influence future policy.

Creighton has also inspired me to more deeply explore the idea of service. I participated in three service trips through the Schlegel Center for Service and Justice, working locally here in Omaha, as well as in Iowa and Oklahoma. These experiences showed me that “service” is more than just volunteer work. When we engage in service, we actively reflect on our actions and how they impact the lives of others. 

These experiences shaped me in different ways, and they’ve equipped me with the skills I need to be a leader in my career. On campus, I led my fellow students as the president of the Creighton chapter of Beta Alpha Psi, the national accounting honor society, organizing events and working with local partners to deliver presentations to our members.

Someday I’d like to return to academia so I can give the next generation of students the same great experience I’ve had at Creighton.

I was inspired by Creighton’s commitment to the Jesuit values of service and justice and by its mission to shape ‘men and women for and with others
— Taylor Rowland