Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice & Education

The open access Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice and Education (CJCPE) invites publications with an interest in interprofessional approaches to education, practice, population health, community engagement, humanities, and other  innovative partnerships. Authors interested in submitting to the journal should register and begin the 5 step process.

Types of Papers: 

  • Empirical research articles (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method)
  • Briefs/Short reports (research in-progress or completed)
  • Review article (systematic, literature, meta-analysis)
  • Case Reports or Educational Innovations
  • Editorials (typically by invitation, but inquires accepted)


  • Quick turnaround from submission to publication.
  • Low cost. Only the cost of publication is required.

More Information:

You can find more information related to submission requirements, author guidelines, and more on our website:

Current News and Events

Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice & Education

The open access Creighton Journal of Collaborative Practice and Education (CJCPE) invites publications with an interest in interprofessional approaches to education, practice, population health, community engagement, humanities, and other  innovative partnerships. Authors interested in submitting to the journal should register and begin the 5 step process.

Types of Papers: 

  • Empirical research articles (quantitative, qualitative, mixed-method)
  • Briefs/Short reports (research in-progress or completed)
  • Review article (systematic, literature, meta-analysis)
  • Case Reports or Educational Innovations
  • Editorials (typically by invitation, but inquires accepted)


  • Quick turnaround from submission to publication.
  • Low cost. Only the cost of publication is required.

More Information:

You can find more information related to submission requirements, author guidelines, and more on our website:

Under the leadership of CIPER team members, Kimberly Somers, PT, DPT, Jennifer Feirstein, MSPAS, PA-C, and Wendi Carlton MD, FAAP and Susan Weems, MS, the CIPER Student Advisory Council has been formed. The objective of CIPER Student Advisory Council (CSAC) is to facilitate interprofessional leadership development and bridge the gap between interprofessional faculty and students within the Creighton Health Science Center in Phoenix. CSAC will function as an interprofessional learning community to enhance learning through relationship development using the theory of situated learning to form a community of practice (Cruess et al. 2018). Research will focus on the impact of CSAC on health professions students’ attitudes related to the Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice over the course of a year. Additionally, CSAC hopes to create a platform to collect student feedback on CIPER IPE curriculum and student experiences to put forth suggestions to the CIPER leadership team regarding innovative strategies to enhance student learning in IPE for Creighton health professional students. This initiative received funding from the Creighton University Teaching and Learning Faculty Development Grant from the Center for Faculty Excellence.

The students listed below representing the following professions are a part of the CIPER SAC:

Robert Brown, Pharmacy
McCall Bromelkamp, Medicine
Isabella Sullivan Powers, Nursing
Cheryl Griemsmann, Nursing
Libby Niehoff, Medicine
Corinne Oliphant, Physical Therapy
Brian Lopez, Physical Therapy
Miranda Mussack, Physical Therapy
Sarah Chamoun, Occupational Therapy
Brooke O’Meara, Occupational Therapy
Francesca Ferri, Medicine
Daniel Nguyen, Medicine

Congratulations to the following individuals who recently received the honor of National Academies of Practice (NAP) Fellowships. A Distinguished Practitioner, Scholar or Policy Fellow within NAP is a very high honor that acknowledges outstanding achievements. They are recognized leaders in their profession and in interprofessional care.

Lisa Black, PT, DPT, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions - Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) in Physical Therapy

Jennifer Jessen, EDD, RN, CNOR, Assistant Professor School of Nursing, Executive Director of CIPER - Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) in the Nursing Academy

Jillian A. Wallen, BDS, MS, Professor and Dean, School of Dentistry- Distinguished Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) in Dentistry

For more information regarding NAP, view here:

The Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER) congratulates the following 2022 American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) award recipients from the CIPER team:

AIHC Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award: Jennifer Jessen, EdD, RN, CNOR, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Executive Director of CIPER. This award recognizes a faculty member for outstanding mentorship of students and/or peers in interprofessional education and/or practice.

AIHC Interprofessional Practice Award: Kimberly Beran Shepler, PT, DPT, OCS, FNAP, Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Director of IPE Passport for CIPER. This award recognizes an individual who demonstrates excellence in interprofessional practice.

The Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER) is excited to celebrate National Interprofessional Healthcare Month by recognizing an outstanding Interprofessional faculty facilitator. The importance of Interprofessional education (IPE) in health professional programs has gained both recognition and urgency in addressing the multi-dimensional health needs of our communities. IPE is more than grouping students from different fields together, but rather, requires intentional teaching efforts that cultivate a climate of mutual respect, shared decision making, and effective communication among all contributing members of the healthcare team. Faculty and staff who facilitate these learning activities bring a passion for ensuring Creighton graduates are prepared to engage in these complex environments to provide the best possible care.

To celebrate National Interprofessional Healthcare Month, the Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education, & Research would like to recognize an outstanding Interprofessional faculty facilitator for their much-appreciated contributions to interprofessional development at Creighton University.

Congratulations to Ashley Aubry RDH, MA, Assistant Professor in the School of Dentistry!

Ashley has been an integral part of The Healthy Smiles School-Based Dental Sealant Program, an IPE Passport activity since 2017. Ashley and her team lead students through this community health program in Omaha elementary schools. The activity provides oral health education, dental screenings, fluoride varnish, dental sealants, and case management services for children at risk for dental disease. Ashley also participated in the inaugural IPE Passport activity, Accommodations and Transfer Clinic. This IPE activity brought Dental and Occupational Therapy students together to collaborate and demonstrate safe patient transfers and special accommodations for patients needing additional support with daily cares.

Here's what one student said about the Healthy Smiles activity, “Working with the nursing students gave me a different perspective on patient care. Working together as a team, and helping to educate one another, allowed us to provide the best care we possibly could to the students.”

Thank you, Ms. Aubry, for the dedication and support of your students in engaging in interprofessional education.

More information: National Interprofessional Healthcare Month.

The Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER) congratulates the following 2021 American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) award recipients:

  • AIHC Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award: Gail Jensen PT, PhD, FAPTA Professor, School of Pharmacy and Health Professions, Omaha Campus, Vice Provost for Learning and Assessment; Interim Director, CIPER

    This annual award is given to a faculty member for outstanding mentorship of students and/or peers in interprofessional education and/or practice.
  • AIHC Interprofessional Practice Award: Amy McGaha MD, FAAFP Professor School of Medicine, Omaha Campus ,Chair, Department of Family Medicine, Endowed Professorship, Roland L. Kleeberger, MD Professorship Director, Director of the Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment, CIPER

    This award recognizes individuals who demonstrate excellence in interprofessional practice.
  • AIHC Interprofessional Educator Award: Mandy Kirkpatrick, PhD, RN Associate Professor College of Nursing, Omaha Campus

    This award recognizes individuals who demonstrate excellence in interprofessional teaching.

Elevating IPE: Bridging Clinical and Community

July 21-22, 2022
All sessions will take place via Zoom

This year's theme of Elevating IPE: Bridging Clinical and Community brings together healthcare and community professionals, educators and students to share knowledge and build skills to improve patient and client outcomes. Join us for this valuable conversation so we can learn from diverse perspectives and experiences.

This conference will highlight trends in interprofessional education and collaborative practice, facilitate participants' knowledge and skill set acquisition, and affirm attitudes focused on improving outcomes for clients, patients, healthcare and community professionals, and populations.

Event Dates:

July 21-22, 2022
All sessions will take place via Zoom

Cost to Attend:

$100 - Professionals
$50 - Students
$75 - Discounted rate per person for groups of 5 individuals from the same institution

Continuing Education Credits:

Nursing 10 contact hours

Abstract Submissions

The 4th annual Heartland Interprofessional Education (HIPE) Conference intentionally seeks to include a broader array of individuals. Not only do we encourage healthcare professionals to submit abstracts, but we are especially interested in recruiting more people that represent a variety of roles and perspectives in the community. As such, those of you who represent public health, the humanities, social services, education, legal, clergy, library, non-profit, and other community-based disciplines are encouraged to submit a proposal. Our updated categories reflect our desire to bridge the clinical and community arenas, while at the same time looking at the critical role that social determinants of health play in our efforts to address and better support patient and client needs.


The 2022 Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference provides an opportunity for healthcare and community professionals, educators and students to share knowledge, build skills, develop professionally, and form collaborative relationships. Abstracts should represent original work in the areas of interprofessional practice, education or research. Submissions from a wide array of academic, healthcare and community professionals are encouraged.

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines interprofessional education (IPE) as an experience that “occurs when students from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other” (WHO, 2010).

Abstracts should be submitted in at least one of the following presentation categories:

  • Oral presentation (30 minutes): A presentation describing important interprofessional research, or innovations in curriculum, assessment, policy or practice.
  • Workshop (60 minutes): Interactive sessions focused on the participants, who can expect to develop practical skills and/or gain useful knowledge as a result of their participation.
  • Poster (Thursday only): Poster presentations provide an opportunity for authors to share and discuss the results of their work with conference attendees and address the same topic categories as oral presentations. Poster presentations may represent works-in-progress.
  • Presenters will be required to register and attend the conference. Submission of an abstract represents author consent to the recording, publishing and/or distribution of the presented content through electronic, written or printed means.

Please Note These Important Dates

  • Abstract submission deadline: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
  • Notification of acceptance will be made after: Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Abstract Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted under one of the following categories:

  • Community Approaches to Improving Client Outcomes
  • Clinical Approaches to Improving Patient Outcomes
  • Addressing Social Determinants of Health
  • Curricular Innovation
  • Assessment
  • Leadership/Administration

Abstracts should follow these requirements:

  • The title is limited to a maximum of 10 words
  • The abstract is limited to a maximum of 500 words
  • The abstract synopsis used for publication purposes is limited to a maximum of 100 words
  • Session learning objectives should align with the educational approach and be appropriate for the time allotted

Consider the following questions when preparing your abstract.

  • Does the abstract clearly state the project's aim (i.e., a research question, theoretical issue, or problem)?
  • Is the significance of work clearly stated?
  • If relevant, are the methods, data collection, and analysis procedures well-designed and appropriate to the question addressed?
  • Are the conclusions justified in relation to the data and/or analysis/description?
  • Is the abstract written clearly and organized well?

For questions, contact Clarkson College at or 402.552.3396.

When you’re building the future, people notice.

So it came as no surprise to Creighton University’s Center for Interprofessional Practice, Education and Research (CIPER) when the Minneapolis-based National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education sought their help. The Minneapolis center is a repository for information designed to bridge the worlds of interprofessional education and collaborative practice in the health sciences.

Fueled by the demand for virtual education created by the COVID-19 pandemic, it needed help creating online webinars so that its member institutions might learn how to move interprofessional education (IPE) from the classroom to the computer screen. The transition involved more than direct instruction. It also needed to incorporate clinical experience, using actors as patients. Creighton’s CIPER, having already established a national reputation for just such online education in part through its actor-based Virtual Interprofessional Simulations (VISion), became the go-to institution.

VISion is a synchronous experiential-learning option for on-campus and distance health sciences students. Health sciences faculty using video web-conferencing provide students with the human connection they need while synchronously taking part in IPE team roles. Developed by Amanda Kirkpatrick, PhD, RN,  an associate professor at the Creighton University College of Nursing who teaches an online palliative simulation course, VISion adds a critical online clinical experience.

The two seminars CIPER helped create for the Minneapolis center were titled Prevailing in IPE during a pandemic and Transitioning to Online IPE in a pandemic.

CIPER is a multifaceted center designed to produce health sciences professionals fully aware of the importance of interprofessional collaboration

Key to this effort is CIPER’s Passport program.

“Prior to COVID, we were a leader because we have this Passport model for IPE, which is very flexible and allows users to pick and choose the interprofessional activities that students do,” said Katie Packard, PharmD, a co-director of CIPER’s Passport program.

“Because our model is flexible, we get approached a lot to do seminars and consulting to help people integrate IPE into their curriculum. The University of Texas is one, Bryan Medical Center in Lincoln is another. Many institutions have approached us.”

CIPER’s Passport program requires Creighton’s health sciences students to complete three interprofessional activities in order to graduate. Together, they document proficiency in the core competencies of interprofessional collaborative practice.

The Passport program is paving the future of the health sciences, said Kim Beran-Shepler, PT, DPT, OCS, who, with Packard, directs the program.

“We started this with an online foundational course, Introduction to Collaborative Care, that every health science student must complete, which started in 2015,” she says. “So we are relatively new, although I would say that Creighton has always strongly believed in being innovators and leaders in healthcare education, and we know that interprofessional collaboration is the healthcare of the future.

“The other thing that we’ve done is partner with Nebraska Medicine at UNMC to host a regional IPE conference every summer. This year will be the second year, and it will be virtual, so that’s another way that we continue to have a strong national presence.”

Creighton’s interest in IPE predates the creation of CIPER in 2015, Packard says, but it was piecemeal and championed by faculty advocates in “little pockets” across campus. It gained coherence when accrediting agencies began demanding IPE components for graduation from health sciences programs.

“Pharmacy accreditation is the most stringent, and the accreditors mandate that pharmacy students must interact with prescribing students before they even start clinical rotations,” Packard says. “So that was what moved things forward. At that point the University funded the center, we gained a director and were able to hire program managers.”

Neither Packard nor Beran-Shepler doubt that IPE is the future of training in the health sciences.

“It has better patient outcomes, it reduces risk, reduces healthcare costs and decreases burnout from the provider,” Beran-Shepler says. “Knowing that interprofessional collaboration is a solution to those problems is a huge driver behind what we’re doing and why we’re doing it and why we’re educating the students this way.”

Reflecting on her own education, Beran-Shepler says Creighton is providing information to students that her generation had to unearth by themselves.

“It’s kind of an interesting cycle in that those of us who are champions of IPE were not taught this way,” she says. “We had to do a lot of research and background and spend a lot of time in conferences to really understand it.

“That’s the part that’s exciting to me, to know that we are creating agents of change who will really change the healthcare of tomorrow.”

Do you have an idea for making a topic more interprofessional?

Do you have ideas or presentations you’d like to share with the health professional community? Please use the link to submit your interest and CIPER will work to connect you with the appropriate team.

Contact Information

Center for Interprofessional Practice,
Education and Research (CIPER)