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On and Off Campus Interview Programs

We're here to connect you with the best.

At Creighton University School of Law, we make it easy for employers like you to connect with our best and brightest students. We do that through our On- and Off-Campus Interview Programs. 

Our On-Campus Interview Program

Each fall and spring, you can come to the Creighton campus to interview our students—whether you’re across the city or across the country. We are currently accepting reservations for our fall interviews. Please fill out the On-campus interview form (.pdf) to participate.

Our Off-Campus Interview Program

In mid-August, we partner with the University of Nebraska at Lincoln and bring students from both law schools to one convenient area for Kansas City area employers to interview. If you’re and employer in the Kansas City area and would like to participate, contact us at

Request Resumes

Interested in employing our students, but can’t make it to campus? No problem. Through our Resume Collections program, we’ll gather resumes and forward them. 

Post Your Positions

Have a job you think would be ideal for our students? We’ll post a job—free of charge—on Simplicity, our online job-posting system. 


Non-Discrimination Policy
In accordance with the American Bar Association Standard 205(d), Creighton University School of Law firmly expects that every employer to whom it provides assistance and facilities for interviewing and other placement services will observe the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunity on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age and disability in regard to hiring, promotion, retention, and conditions of employment.