Message from the Neurology Dept. Chair

Sanjay P. Singh, MD

Let me welcome you all to the Department of Neurology, Creighton University School of Medicine. Our School of Medicine started in 1892 and our alumni practice in all 50 states. We have a long tradition of training neurology residents and have recently changed into an independent neurology residency program. Neuroscience represents one of the final frontiers of science and we feel fortunate that we have the opportunity to train physicians who will go beyond to discover new treatments and enhance our understanding of the brain. The Industrial revolution was all about enhancing our physical strength and the next revolution will be all about enhancing our cognitive skills.

The department of Neurology provides state of the art clinical care to our patients and we train & educate the finest physicians with a conscience. We are in constant pursuit of new treatments and we are involved in exploring the frontiers of neuroscience.

This Neurological Institute consists of nationally recognized disease-specific Centers of Excellence that are certified by the most reputable organizations. These Centers include an Epilepsy Center that has the highest national designation and a Stroke Center that provides the entire spectrum of care from preventive care to Interventional catheter-based treatments. At the Neurological Institute our well-trained and highly skilled team of neurological specialists will provide a complete spectrum of care that revolves around you. Our specialists have the most advanced training and expertise in specific neurological disorders, and we are all here to take care of you.

We have made a special effort to make our Department collegial and collaborative. Our educational mission is critical to our purpose of improving neurological care. I look forward to meeting you all and making a personal acquaintance with you when you visit us.

Sanjay P. Singh, MD
Professor & Chairman,
Department of Neurology