The House Staff Council is the self-governing body and representative body of the residents of Creighton Medical School of Medicine Residency Training Programs located at CHI Bergan Mercy.

Mission Statement

Poster presentation

The mission of the House Staff Council shall be to represent the House Staff of Creighton University to develop, promote and advocate for medical education and patient centered care in the community. 

We have representatives elected for the purpose of serving on the GMEC & it’s subcommittees and in doing so are able to provide input into policies on patient care, the community, and decisions affecting the house staff such as the efficient use of house staff time, and salary and benefit planning. In recent years, the Council has addressed house staff healthcare issues; worked with the administration on work hours, supervision, and participated in the establishment of a House Staff Relief Fund

Staff meeting

to support house staff educational initiatives. We are also involved in effecting quality of life improvements such as meal cards. The Council also donates to various charities in the Omaha Metro area.

In addition, the Council hosts social events to bring together residents from all departments. The House Staff Relief Fund provides financial support to fellow house officers who suffer from catastrophic or unforeseen major expense.

Staff happy at the game

To be effective, the House Staff Council needs the participation and assistance of all members of the house staff. Each department has at least one elected representatives on the House Staff Council unless they have more than 10 members in which case they’d have at least two. 

Each department meets the last Wednesday of each month. House staff interested in serving on the Council should or anyone with suggestions and comments can feel free to contact the officers of the HSC directly or the president at


Samantha Woller


Samantha Woller





Sarah Bromley

Vice President

Sarah Bromley





Anirudh Palicherla


Anirudh Palicherla







Marcellus Singh





Thomas Rees Checketts

Privacy Officer

Rees Checketts






QI Officer

Joshua Babbin






Social Chair

May Li-Jedras






Community Service Officer

Suma Pusapati






Diversity and Inclusion Officer

Sara Dawit

The House Staff Council meets monthly to discuss new business related to residents and to provide updates on ongoing projects and initiatives. House Staff Council meetings are also an important open forum for residents to provide input on new issues.

House Staff Council meetings take place at 5:30 pm on the third Tuesday of each month. All residents are encouraged to attend meetings to provide feedback to the administration as well as to learn about policy and procedure changes being implemented.

Relief Fund Request

Download the Relief Fund Request Form (.doc)

YMCA Early Learning Center at Bergan CHI

We are so happy to welcome your family to the YMCA ELC at Bergan CHI.  This folder contains the necessary paperwork for enrollment. Please use the following checklist to assure that all the necessary items are completed. Please submit the paperwork at least one week before your start date. On your first day please plan on arriving 10-15 minutes early to get to know your child’s classroom, teachers and the morning routine.   

We are excited to partner with you in making your child’s experience a great one.

New Child Checklist of Needs

  1. Registration Form *Please note that every line needs to be filled out, if there isn’t something you can put there please write “None or NA”.
  2. Shot Records
  3. DHHS Brochure Signed
  4. Description of Services Signed
  5. CACFP Form


Effective July 1, 2018

AgeEnrollment StatusAnnual Registration FeeWeekly YMCA Member Fee/CHI Employee FeeWeekly YMCA Non-member fee
Full Time$40.00$263.00$298.00



Full Time$40.00$235.00$259.00



Full Time$40.00$216.00$235.00

School Age


School’s day out$0.00$40.00/day$50.00/day

*must be potty trained.

If you have any questions along the way please don’t hesitate to call Jen Knott or Keri Keller.

Jen Knott
Childhood Education Director
Phone: 402-398-6779

Keri Keller
Childhood Education Coordinator 
Phone: 402-398-6779

group photo