The large OB/GYN services are cared for by the full-time and part-time attending staff, our OB/GYN house-officers, Emergency Medicine and Family Medicine residents, Certified Nurse-Midwives, fourth-year medical students on elective rotations, and third-year medical students from the University of Arizona and Creighton University School of Medicine.

Review the information below to learn more about resident learning and progression during the four program years.

You can also review our program affiliation partners who comprise our available services.

OB-GYN Curriculum

During the first year of post graduate training in OB/GYN emphasis is placed on basic Gynecology and Obstetrics. The first 4 weeks are spent on "OB boot camp" split between OB days and nights at both Valleywise Health Medical Center and St. Joseph's Hospital. This helps acclimate to each of the major teaching hospitals.


  • Ambulatory Care
  • Gynecology at SJH
  • Gynecology at Valleywise Health
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • Obstetric Days at SJH
  • Obstetric Days at Valleywise Health
  • Obstetric Float
  • Obstetric Night Float at SJH
  • Obstetric Night Float at Valleywise Health
  • Surgical ICU
  • Ultrasound

The second year is an opportunity to further develop clinical and leadership skills. The second year resident is responsible for the high risk OB patients with the supervision of the Chief resident and helps the interns throughout the year.


  • Gynecology at Valleywise Health
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • Family Planning
  • Obstetric Days at SJH
  • Obstetric Days at Valleywise Health
  • Obstetric Night Float at SJH
  • Obstetric Night Float at Valleywise Health
  • Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility

During the third year emphasis is placed on building a depth of knowledge and experience and further development of operative and clinical care management skills. This year is enhanced by opportunities to experience private practice as the resident spends time with subspecialist in their offices. The resident operates with specialist at affiliated institutions, giving the resident an opportunity to experience more of the clinical medical community.


  • Ambulatory / Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology
  • Float
  • Gynecology at SJH
  • Gynecologic Surgery / Oncology
  • Gynecology Night Float
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • High-Risk Obstetrics
  • Obstetric Night Float at SJH
  • Selective
  • Urogynecology

Full responsibility for management of patients care is given during this final year. The resident further develops skills in practice management and leadership.


  • Ambulatory Care
  • Gynecology at SJH
  • Gynecology at Valleywise Health
  • Gynecologic Surgery / Oncology
  • Gynecologic Oncology
  • Obstetric Days at SJH
  • Obstetric Days at Valleywise Health
  • Obstetric Night Float at Valleywise Health

OB-GYN Affiliations

Valleywise Health Medical Center  is a 325-bed acute care community hospital located near the heart of downtown Phoenix. Valleywise Health Medical Center’s primary mission is providing care for the poor underserved patients in the community. The hospital sees a large case load in Level I Trauma, contains a Pediatric Level 2 Trauma center, and houses the renowned Arizona Burn Center. The brand new Valleywise Health Medical Center will be 10 stories and is slated to open in January 2024.

Dignity Health St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, a large tertiary care center with a mission to care for underserved patients, is home to and/or has affiliations with: 

  • Barrow Neurological Institute, an internationally and nationally recognized center for Neurosurgery and Neurology 
  • Norton Thoracic Institute, one of the busiest double lung transplant centers in the nation, in addition to expertise in foregut surgery 
  • An ACS verified Level 1 Trauma Center, the busiest in metropolitan Phoenix 
  • Dignity Health Cancer Institute at St. Joseph’s Hospital and Medical Center, which treats more than 60 types of cancer by employing advanced genetic and molecular testing 

Affiliations with the following institutions round out a program that provides the residency with a balanced experience encompassing managed care, private practice, critical care, ambulatory and primary/preventive care.