Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Guest, Event, Retiree and St. John’s Parishioner Parking

All vehicles parked on campus must display a valid parking permit. As the university grows, designated guest stalls have become limited. Guests coming to campus can create a guest account on JayPark and purchase a printable daily, weekly, or monthly pass to display on the dashboard.

This online service means there is no longer a need to email, call, or physically visit the Parking Services office.


  • Daily: $5
  • Weekly: $15
  • Monthly: $60

Guest Parking

  • Guest lecturers, interviewees, vendors, and other invited guests must also display a permit, which can be paid for by the individual or the department through JayPark. These printable permits can be purchased on the same day or ahead of time for specific dates.
  • Departments can create a guest account to manage and pay for their visitors by using a department email.
    • A "guest vehicle" can be created by using a generic sedan and the department named as the plate number.  This will allow the department to purchase permits for rentals and other unknown vehicles.
    • If using a P-Card for payment, make sure that the zip code that is attached to the card is correct.
  • The daily, weekly, and monthly permits are printable. They can be emailed as a PDF to the guest to print or printed off by the department purchaser to give to the guest. The printout must be displayed on the vehicle dash.
  • Alumni, friends and family can purchase printable permits when visiting campus. The permits allow them to park in University surface parking lots. These can be purchased by the Creighton affiliate of the visiting individual with a guest account.
  • Weekend/Evening (VALID: Friday through Sunday all day or any evening) permits can be "purchased" at no cost through JayPark as well.
  • Short Term Visitor:
    • A no cost printable weekend only permit can be "purchased" through JayPark either by the guest with a guest account or the Creighton affiliate's account.
    • These permits are valid Friday through Sunday and all evenings.
    • We extend the pass for long holiday weekends when necessary.
  • Frequent Visitor:
    • A no cost Evening Decal can be "purchased" through JayPark.
    • It is recommended to have the guest create a guest account to make the "purchase".
    • These permits are valid Friday through Sunday and all evenings.
  • Daytime vendors, guest lecturers, and other guests of employees can park in any employe surface lot.
  • Guests of Students make park in any student surface lot.
  • Weekend and Evening guest may park in any surface lot on campus.

Event Parking

For groups coming to campus or events being hosted on campus, please use the event parking form. (this will be retired by May 2025)

You may begin using the new myServices portal Request form: Request Form - Request Event Parking

Retirees and Parishioners

Retirees: There is no cost for this decal as the is currently part of retirement benefits.

Parishioners: There is an administrative fee of $25 to pay for the cost of the decal and shipment.

  • Parishioners
    • Parishioners will "Sign Up" for a guest account on JayPark and "purchase" the no cost decal.
    • The decal will be mailed directly from the 3rd party vendor to the individual.
    • A temporary permit may be printed at the end of the transaction using the "print permit" button.
  • Retirees
    • Retirees who retired before 2019 will "Sign Up" for a guest account on JayPark and "purchase" the no cost decal.
    • Retirees who retired 2019 or later should login with their Blue NETID and password (Creighton SSO) on JayPark and "purchase" the no cost decal.
    • The decal will be mailed directly from the 3rd party vendor to the individual.
    • A temporary permit may be printed at the end of the transaction using the "print permit" button.
  • The top of the 24th Street Garage, the top of the 20th Street Garage, and the parking lot at 24th and Cass Street.
  • Also known as: Lots G36, G5, and lot 35 on the parking map.
  • The decal is repositionable. This means it can be pulled off and placed on the vehicle that you are bring to campus. If you fail to move the decal you will need to purchase daily passes as needed or risk a citation.
  • Make sure to grab your decal if you sell your vehicle and add the new vehicle to your JayPark account after it is plated.
  • If you have a valid, state issued, placard properly displayed and a valid Creighton Retiree/Parishioner Decal on your vehicle, you may park in any handicap stall on campus.

Public Parking Options

Looking for on-street and off-street parking near Creighton? Visit Park Omaha for details, including paying via your smartphone through a free app. This is a convenient and affordable option for students, visitors, faculty and staff who come to campus periodically.