Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Parking Rules and Regulations

Campus Parking Rules and Regulations

Below you can find Campus Parking Rules and Regulations on subjects like Permits, Parking, Electric Vehicle Stalls, Appeals, and Other Considerations. These rules and regulations are also available as a downloadable PDF:

Section 1: Permits

  1. Any vehicle on University property must display a decal or temporary printed permit issued by Parking Services via the JayPark Portal. Displaying a permit allows you to leave a vehicle in a parking stall, as available, but does not guarantee a stall's availability.
  2. If you sell your vehicle, keep your decal. If you forget, you must park on city streets or purchase a printed permit from JayPark. If you lose your decal, you will need to fill out the Permit Replacement Form at the Parking Services Office and pay the $50 fee. If your vehicle and/or decal is stolen or totaled, bring a police or insurance report to Parking Services to get a new decal.
  3. Parking permits are issued to eligible people for specific reasons. The person who purchased the permit is responsible for all citations issued to that permit, regardless of which vehicle and/or plate number is cited.
  4. No individual or department may grant parking privileges on University property or issue permits without the written consent of Parking Services. Handwritten or typed notes placed in a vehicle will not be honored.
  5. Individuals who counterfeit, alter, possess, or display lost, stolen, or voided permits are subject to citations and/or other University disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or suspension.
  6. All parking permits must be visibly displayed in accordance with the instructions on the permit. The University uses a repositionable decal or printed permits. Decals must be affixed to the interior of the front windshield in the lower corner on the passenger side. Printed permits must be displayed face up on the vehicle dashboard. The entire permit must be clearly visible from the outside—not positioned behind tinting or obscured by snow/ice. The responsibility for the proper display of a parking permit lies with its holder. Failure to properly display any parking permit will subject the holder to a citation.
  7. Information provided to obtain a parking permit or authorization must be correct and current. If information, such as the license plate number or contact number, changes, it must be immediately updated in JayPark. The individual will add a new vehicle to the account with the correct plate number.
  8. A permit will be honored only in the parking areas for which it is designated. Entrance signs are posted at all University parking garages and lots, indicating the permit types eligible to park in that area.
  9. Permits must be returned to the Parking Services office to cancel parking. No refunds will be issued, nor will payroll deductions stop, unless permits are physically returned. No refunds will be issued for student decals returned after Jan. 31 each year. Credit or refunds are not issued for short-term absences such as days off or vacations. The Parking Services office must receive prenotification of any extended absence, such as maternity leave or sabbatical, to provide parking fee adjustments.

Section 2: Parking


  1. Never block fire lanes, fire hydrants, gate arms, or garage doors, or park on grass or landscaping.
  2. Do not park or leave your vehicle unattended in any of the following areas at any time:
  • Stalls with signs designating them as reserved for the President, Vice Presidents, Provost, Vice Provosts, Deans, Jesuits, Loading Docks, or visitors
  • The East Lane by the Harper Center is a pick-up/drop-off area only. Vehicles in this lane must be attended at all times.
  1. Do not park in handicapped stalls without a state-issued handicapped permit or license plate. Any vehicle authorized to park in handicapped stalls must also display a current University permit to park in a handicapped stall on University property.
  2. Points to remember:
    • Employees and students may never park in visitor parking stalls.
    • Motorcycles parked near bicycle racks do not require a permit; however, motorcycles that use a parking stall must display a current and valid parking permit.
    • Motorcycles should be registered on JayPark for identification purposes.
    • University ID cards and parking permits are required for all garages.
    • Unauthorized parking in handicapped stalls, fire lanes, and specifically designated stalls (e.g., VP/Dean, Facilities Vehicles, etc.) is enforced year-round.
  3. Parking is only permitted within marked painted stalls. Any vehicle occupying more than one stall, extending beyond the marked stall, or parking outside of a designated stall is deemed in violation and subject to a citation. This includes, but is not limited to, tractor trailers, campers, limousines, and other oversized vehicles, unless approved prior to being cited.
  4. Barriers and gate arms are present in some university parking locations to restrict unauthorized access. An open gate is not an invitation for unauthorized parking. If a barrier mechanism is not operating properly, report it immediately to the Parking Services Office or Public Safety. Unauthorized removal or damage of a barrier will result in the issuance of a citation, disciplinary action, and restitution.
  5. Access to University loading docks is only for authorized personnel.
  6. Special events, facility maintenance, and construction may temporarily affect parking assignments. Furthermore, drivers arriving on campus during peak parking hours may occasionally have trouble finding a parking stall in preferred locations. If there is not an available stall in your preferred parking location, park in the next available area for the permit issued.
  7. Drivers who accrue five or more violations in an academic year, August through July, will be classified as nuisance violators. These violators will be issued a “Tow Warning” citation and be subject to towing upon any future violations that academic year. Partial payments will not remove a nuisance violator from the tow list. All citations, including any new citations received, must be paid in full prior to removal from the tow list. Students with an outstanding balance will be placed on a registration or graduation hold until all fines are paid.
  8. Vehicles parked on campus while on the tow list will be towed at the owner’s expense without notice. If the owner/driver of the vehicle arrives at the vehicle after a tow truck has been dispatched (before the truck has arrived), the towing company may charge a dispatch fee.
  9. The second time an individual is placed on the tow list may result in a referral for potential disciplinary action. The owner/driver may be banned from parking on campus for 6 months.
  10. Individuals who dispute credit card charges related to fees or fines without cause will automatically be classified as nuisance violators and may be banned from parking on campus for 6 months.

Section 3: Citations


Ideally, all drivers would always display the proper parking credentials and only park in authorized stalls. To maximize parking availability for those drivers who buy permits, we use citations as our primary enforcement tool. Our enforcement philosophy seeks to drive compliance with parking rules while recognizing that everyone makes mistakes. In keeping with this approach, the fine for the first minor violation each academic year is $0. However, for drivers who continue to violate the rules, the fines are increasingly punitive to deter further offenses. In extreme cases, nuisance violators will be towed off campus at the owner’s expense.


Citation Level

Citations Type



Minor Violations
(Level 1)

No Valid Permit

Not displaying a current valid permit or improper display

1st offense: $0
2nd offense: $30
3rd or more: $50

Unauthorized Area

No parking zone, grass, sidewalk, unauthorized lot

Moderate Violations
(Level 2)

Fire Lane or Drive Lane

Parked in a fire lane or a drive lane. Fire lanes are marked with signage and/or a red curb. Drive lanes will not necessarily be marked with “no parking” signs in areas that are clearly drive lanes.

1st offense: $50
2nd offense: $75
3rd or more: $100

Reserved Stall

Dean’s stall, university vehicle only, Jesuit, residence life, visitor stalls not covered by a bag, any other specifically signed parking stalls.

Major Violations
(Level 3)


Failure to properly display a state-issued handicap placard, including the Handicap loading zones

1st offense: $150
2nd offense: $300
3rd or more: $500

Fraudulent or Stolen Permit

Any attempt to reproduce a permit or decal, attempt to alter or display a permit or decal in a deceitful manner, or to use a permit reported as lost or stolen


Referral to Human Resources or Student Conduct

Additional Violations

False Pretense

Placing an old citation on windshield to avoid citation or other deceitful acts to avoid identification or citation


Boot Fee

Used to identify an unregistered vehicle’s owner/driver


Tow Warning

Nuisance violators (those who have received 5 or more citations in an academic year) will receive a Tow Warning and will be subject to towing upon next violation without further notice; cost of the tow and impound to be paid by the owner/driver  




Parking on campus after losing campus parking privileges due to excessive citations, cost of tow and impound paid by the owner/driver  


Referral to Human Resources or Student Conduct


Section 4: Appeals


  1. Parking citations may only be appealed using the JayPark Parking Portal. Appeals must be received within 10 days of the date the citation was issued. In-person, over the phone, and emailed appeals will not be considered.
  2. All citations are assumed to be valid; however, if you think you were issued a citation in error, you may appeal it. You must present adequate evidence of the error or of extenuating circumstances. Appeals are decided by the Appeal Review Panel, which includes employees and students from outside of Parking Services. All appeal decisions made by the Appeal Review Panel are final. Appellants should present substantial evidence that the citation was issued in error or there were significant circumstances out of the appellant’s control.
    1. Any facts presented in your appeal will be validated with available photos and video. Making a false statement in your appeal is a violation of Student Conduct Standard 1.2; your appeal will be denied, and you will be referred to student conduct.
    2. You will be notified if your appeal is denied or accepted via email. This is also viewable within your JayPark account. Please do not email Parking Services to dispute the decision of the panel; their decisions are final.
  3. The appeal process is not a venue for general criticisms, complaints, or policy debates. The following reasons for appeal will not be considered and will be automatically denied:
    • Frivolous or abusive appeals, including the use of profanity
    • Late to class or appointment
    • Inability to pay the amount of the fine
    • Lack of available parking
    • Other vehicles were parked improperly or illegally
    • The vehicle was only parked illegally for a short period of time
    • Public Safety did not previously ticket for similar offenses
    • Appellant purchased a parking permit, but did not display it in the vehicle
    • Appellant did not purchase a parking permit
    • Lack of understanding of the Omaha Campus Parking Rules and Regulations
    • Using an outdated map
    • Did not have access to a printer

Section 5: Electric Vehicle (EV) Stalls

  1. EVs must have a valid garage permit to charge on campus property. University-owned vehicles have priority for charging.
  2. EV stalls are reserved for EV vehicles actively charging. Non-EV vehicles may not use these stalls. EV drivers should not leave notes on non-EV vehicles parked in EV stalls. Notify Parking Services at 402-280-5225.
  3. After charging, vehicles must be removed from the EV charging stall, allowing other EV drivers to use the charging stations (Maximum of 4 hours). Vehicles remaining in the stall after the vehicle is done charging are subject to citations. Please be safe when charging an EV. Properly manage the charging cord to prevent mishaps.
  4. EVs are not authorized to charge using 110v outlets; only charge using the charging stations.
  5. EV regulations are subject to change at any time to meet the needs of the University.
  6. There are public charging stations near 17th & Cass Street on the east side of campus. These are not managed by the University.

Section 6: Other Considerations


  1. University malls are pedestrian zones; vehicular traffic is restricted to authorized service vehicles.
  2. Creighton University is not responsible or liable for any damage to and/or theft of any vehicle, its equipment, or contents, while the vehicle is parked on University-owned property.
  3. Leaving any child unattended in a vehicle in a University lot is strictly prohibited. Omaha Police will be called for violations.
  4. When the temperature is over 75° F, animals may not be left unattended in vehicles without ventilation. If the vehicle engine is not running and the windows are sealed while the temperature is over 75° F, Public Safety must notify the Nebraska Humane Society.