Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please be take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Find local community partners interested in supporting senior citizens below.

Omaha Location:

Kelly Keller ~ 402.926.2680 ~

8710 Fredrick St, Omaha, NE 68124 ~

Council Bluffs Location:

Jen Kesterson ~ 712.823.3959 ~
2000 West Broadway Council Bluffs IA 51503

We are seeking volunteers for a variety of roles at AseraCare Hospice. As a volunteer, you can with direct patient support or administrative support.

Direct Volunteers can provide patient companion visits, provide respite support to family caregivers, or be available for patients as they near the end of their life as a Bridge volunteer. The experience will vary depending on the interest of the volunteer and the needs of the patient and their family. Some examples include conversation, engaging in hobbies together, spending time outdoors, or reading to the patient. Assignments are available in Council Bluffs and throughout southwest Iowa.

Administrative volunteers support the AseraCare team by performing administrative tasks essential to operations, such as assisting with mailings or filing, answering the phone or making occasional calls, or compiling information for patients and families.

We ask that volunteers be able to make a commitment of at least 4 hours of service per month, although the schedule for volunteering is usually very flexible. All hospice volunteers are required to complete a volunteer orientation. They must also pass a criminal background check and drug and tuberculosis test. All required training and services are paid for by AseraCare. Volunteers must be 18 years old to be considered.

Internships may also be available. Contact Jen for more information.

Contact Name: Erin Wenger


Phone: (303)-507-3617

Address: 1513 Farnam St., Omaha NE 68102


Central Park Tower is a HUD-subsidized, low-income independent living community for seniors 62 years of age and older. Dental checks, health checks, food bank partnerships. Open to all volunteer opportunities, no background check required to volunteer, one time volunteers and groups welcome. 

Katie Christenson ~ ~ 402-403-5581

13323 California Street,  Omaha, NE 68154 ~


In the United States alone, 10,000 people per day turn 65. By 2050, there will be more than 2 billion people in the world over the age of 60. This is a massive demographic shift, which will lead to there being more older people than younger people for the first time ever in the history of the planet.

The goal of the Champions of Aging program is to build a future workforce that has an understanding and appreciation for the complexities and individuality of the aging process. We are working to accomplish this goal by offering paid service year opportunities, both full and part time, to students in college and to recent college graduates.

If you are a junior or senior in college and interested in a part-time service year or post grad student (think gap year), please connect with Katie Christenson, Director for the Champions of Aging  program at or check out the website for further details .

Michaela Kanoski, Volunteer & Guest Services Manager ~ ~ (402) 398-6199

7500 Mercy Road Omaha, NE 68124 ~

CHI CUMC Bergan campus needs volunteers for ALL areas of the hospital. Some of our needs are for the Gift Shop, Way finding, and Welcome Desk. We also have many openings on the Nursing units doing basic needs, Patient Transport, Pharmacy (NE license required), and Rehabilitation Services. We also are recruiting for instrumental musicians for the hospital lobby. We require a minimum commitment of 4 hours 2x per month for at least a semester. A phone interview, background check, online orientation, and health clearance (including drug test) will be required. It may take up to 4 weeks before the process is approved for volunteering. Each university must commit to a 1 year minimum.

deFreese Manor Contact:

402-345-0622 – Main office

2669 Dodge Street, Omaha Ne 68131

The resident services program is managed by the service coordinator for deFreese Manor. The program helps residents and individuals of low-income backgrounds find and access services available, based on needs. This includes case management, benefit programs, health & wellness services, healthcare options, legal assistance, emergency food services, insurance help and daily activity programs that aid in improving the quality of life. Service Coordination entails, housing mediation and liaison between the independent apartment complex for seniors at deFreese Manor and partners with agencies to help seniors at this location. Please contact the service coordinator for more information about volunteering.


Meredith Metcalf, Deputy Director ~ 402-453-5656 ext. 227 ~

2406 Fowler Avenue Omaha, NE 68111 ~

1 in 8 Nebraskans is food insecure, and many of those are seniors.

Eastern Nebraska Community Action Partnership’s (ENCAP) Nutrition Center provides food boxes to seniors in Omaha and across Douglas and Sarpy Counties. We need your help to make this happen!

We are looking for individuals and groups who want to give back, move and pack boxes for delivery, and provide a smiling face to our seniors. We are looking for both one-time volunteers and folks who want to serve on an ongoing basis.

A typical day may include packing boxes, checking clients in, or helping clients to their cars with their food.

Please give us a call, email, or stop by! Look forward to meeting you!

Karen Kelly, Program Coordinator ~ (402) 444-6536 ~

4780 South 131st Street Omaha, NE 68137 ~

Programs available to volunteers include the SeniorHelp Program, Ombudsman Advocates, and Home Delivered Meals. The ENOA can also provide groups, as well as individual volunteers with various projects. Days and times are flexible so please call for more information.


Kelly Keller, Volunteer Coordinator ~ ~ (402) 800-8145

10909 Mill Valley Rd 205 Omaha, NE 68154 ~

Endless Journey is a local independent hospice that embraces the holistic philosophy of caring for body mind and soul. In addition to traditional hospice care, we enlist a broad array of holistic interventions such as Reiki, Healing Touch, massage, music therapy, acupuncture, essential oils, chiropractic and art therapy to assist in pain management and helping patients and family members through the entire dying process. volunteers are utilized in the office and at bedside. Bedside volunteers use their unique gifts to be present to patients and/or family members as relief support, a friendly visitor, or in the final hours simply providing calm presence.

Melinda Eames, Community Outreach Coordinator~ 402-552-7418 ~

2101 S. 42nd St., Omaha, NE 68105 ~

With 50+ programs and 15 locations, volunteers are the lifeblood of our organization. Volunteer opportunities are available in many different locations and capacities. From a one time to an on-going opportunity, from an individual to a group, we always could use willing hands to help us in our work and accomplish more in the community. Making a difference is what we are all about. Our needs are constantly changing, so please contact us to plan your involvement.

Types of Service: Assistance with daily activities, child care, environmental clean up/garden work, music or art activities, office support/clerical or computer work, tutor or teach

Becky Snedeker~ (402) 341-6559 ext. 102 ~
1941 S. 42nd St, Suite 200, Omaha, NE 68105 ~

HELP Adult Services is seeking volunteers who are passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of others. Both our long-term navigation program and our medical equipment rental program serve all ages by providing support for those experiencing the challenges of aging and/or medical needs. To help with our mission to empower lives, one person at a time we are seeking a team of volunteers who will provide assistance with the development and implementation of our 2018 -19 marketing plan. As a volunteer, you will help our team develop marketing materials, develop a social media campaign and a community based action plan to help spread the word. As this population continues to grow it is even more critical that we reach out to these very special members of our community.

Types of Service: Healthcare or health education, listening to stories/ministry of presence, office support/clerical or computer work

Joan Dorwart, Volunteer Coordinator ~ ~ 402-934-2376

1820 Hillcrest Drive Ste B Bellevue, NE 68005 ~

Hillcrest Volunteer Services has numerous volunteer opportunities in our communities and Hospice program. Hillcrest Health Services has 7 communities with the addition of two more in 2017, Millard and Lincoln. Hillcrest Hospice serves patients in 7 counties in Nebraska. 


Wildey Rodriguez ~ (402)444-6529 ~

5545 Center St, Omaha, NE 68106 ~

The Intercultural Senior Center is a non-profit organization that strives to improve the dignity, quality of life and physical well-being of seniors from around the world through advocacy, education, access to social services, and cultural enrichment activities that benefit the entire community. We envision an Omaha that values the wisdom and experience of our diverse elders and creates opportunities for them to embrace and enhance their community.


Efren Garcia ~ ~ 4821 South 24th Street Omaha, NE 68107 ~ 402-733-2720 ~ 

The Latino Center of the Midlands provides a magnitude of bilingual services that focus on educating the community through a three main programs and one main partnership. We also seek to enhance the lives of the Heartland Latino Community by supporting the education and development of our youth and adults; promoting comprehensive engagement of our families in all facets of their lives; and by fostering leadership through a variety of services and activities.

Volunteers perform tasks as teaching a class, assisting a class, tutoring, child care and activities. As well as helping with major events where volunteer help is needed. Health & well-being services, financial education, social education, physical education, behavioral health education, adult basic education, advocacy services, youth truancy prevention services, youth groups services, and many other educational services are provided along with workforce assistance.

Healthy Kids Club is looking for 1-2 volunteers per day, Mondays, Tuesdays or Wednesdays from 5:30-7:30pm. This service opportunity is a great fit for anyone interested in healthy eating & lifestyle, public health, and/ or medicine. Volunteers must pass a background check. Spanish speaking volunteers are especially helpful!

Upcoming Get out the Vote phone banking opportunities are November 17 3pm-5pm, November 22 3pm-5pm and December 15 3-5pm.

Skills: Bilingual (Spanish & English) preferred, but not required for all volunteer roles


Sophia Daley ~ ~ (712) 322-1491 ext. 107

505 S.6th Street Council Bluffs, IA 51501

The Municipal Housing Agency houses elderly, disabled and low-income individuals. Some of the elderly and disabled residents could use assistance with cleaning their units. Such cleaning ranges from light housekeeping (vacuuming, dusting) to deep cleaning services such as cleaning a refrigerator, oven, bathtubs, or mopping floors. Our residents benefit from the light housekeeping, especially the elderly and disabled residents whom have disclosed cleaning is physically difficult for them.

We have a local food pantry and could use volunteers to distribute the food. Volunteers are also welcome to spend time with residents who don’t have other social supports as a friend or companion. Finally, if you love decorating, come help make the home of a resident more festive by decorating for the holidays!

We would greatly except any volunteers, whether it be one-time or continuous. The MHA units are either efficiency size or one bedroom units, so I would suggest groups of about 2 or 3 would be efficient considering the space.


Chelsea Richardson,  Outreach Coordinator ~ ~ (402) 378-1771

1540 S 70th Street, Suite 202, Lincoln, NE 68506 ~ Website Link


The Office of Public Guardian is designed to serve as the guardian or conservator for an individual when no other alternative is available. In addition to providing the means of last resort as guardians or conservators for those situations where no family member or suitable individual is available, the Office of Public Guardian provides education, training, and support for volunteer and family guardians and conservators, and recruits individuals to serve as guardians and conservators for Nebraska’s vulnerable individuals.

* volunteer tasks differ based on which program a volunteer is involved in. The following link describes each of our volunteer programs:

Megan Mackie ~ ~ 531-365-5328

4125 South 72nd St., Omaha, NE 68127 ~

Supporting people who are living with vision loss and blindness through technology training, recreation and cultural activities, and community education around inclusion of people with blindness. Volunteers can be sighted guides for teens and adults who are blind/low vision during our monthly recreation activities. Service learning class placements also around topics of disability, heath and wellness, non profit administration, advocacy.