EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening.
All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit my.creighton.edu for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well.
Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations.
Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.
As a destination for students, faculty, staff, researchers and beyond, the Creighton University Libraries provide a welcoming, comfortable, and safe environment, in support of study, collaboration and academic exploration. The following policies have been created to protect the rights and safety of library users and staff and to preserve and protect materials, equipment, and facilities. If you have any questions about our policies or procedures; please contact us at 402.280.2260 or libraries@creighton.edu.
Creighton University Libraries serve the students, instructors, and staff of Creighton University. Borrowing privileges and network access are granted only to these individuals. In some cases, however, we can accommodate visitors unaffiliated with Creighton, including:
Please note that guest cards are not issued to spouses or dependents of Creighton employees unless they meet one of the above criteria. Alumni may borrow up to 10 items at one time and other approved guests may borrow up to 5 items at one time. Guest card holders cannot renew library materials. Please see Borrow or Renew for additional information.
All Creighton University users must present a valid Creighton ID to borrow items.
The following tables describe user groups and item check out periods for the University Libraries:
Reinert Alumni Memorial Library
Borrower Type | Books | Journals | DVDs | Course Reserves |
Faculty | Due first business day in January | 1 week | 2 weeks | Not applicable |
Staff | 28 days | Not Available | 2 weeks | Not applicable |
Graduate Students | 1 semester | Not Available | 2 weeks | Not applicable |
Undergraduate students | 28 days | Not Available | 2 weeks | 2-hours in-library use; 3 or 7-day use |
Guests | 28 days (max of 5 items) No renewals | Not Available | 2 weeks No renewals | Not available |
Alumni | 28 days (max of 10 items) No renewals | Not Available | 2 weeks No renewals | Not available |
Additional items such as cameras, projectors, microphones, and other equipment can be checked out from the library, for loan periods and additional information visit the Technology & Equipment page.
Item Holds and Recall
If the item you need is checked out by another borrower, you may request a hold. This reserves the item for you when it is returned. You may place a hold from your library account or by requesting assistance from the Service Desk. When your item arrives, you will be notified by email. If your item is not picked up within 3 days, the hold will expire, and the item will be returned to the shelf.
Sometimes items may need to be recalled for use by the library or other patrons. In these cases, a recall can be placed on the item. If a recall is issued, you will be notified by email of the new due date. If it is not returned in time, a block will be placed on your account.
You can view and/or cancel your holds or recalls using the My Requests option in JaySearch, or by visiting the Service Desk.
To place a hold or recall:
Lockers are available for checkout on a semester basis at the Reinert-Alumni Memorial Library; the cost for locker use is $5/semester. Please visit the service desk at Reinert for locker checkout.
The Creighton University Libraries welcome all current Creighton University students, faculty, and staff, as well as Creighton University alumni and retirees, and sponsored guests during posted open hours. A Creighton ID is needed to access library facilities after 7:00 pm and on weekends.
The University Libraries reserves the right to deny access to any person whose behavior disrupts or hinders Library use by Creighton University students, instructors, and staff.
Potential guests may contact University Library Head of Access Services for permission to access library facilities.
Use of the Library's resources, including computer equipment and software, must occur in a manner consistent with pertinent University policies, procedures, and codes of conduct, in addition to applicable international, federal, state, and local laws.
Our libraries include spaces for both group work and quiet study. Please be aware of those around you and take your conversation to a more private area if needed. Any persons being disruptive may be asked to leave. Patrons needing a quiet study environment may use the designated quiet study area in the Lower Level of the Reinert Alumni Memorial Library.
Access to University Archives and the Rare Books room are by appointment only regardless of University affiliation. Please contact University Archives for appointments.
Food and Drink
Food and drinks in covered containers are allowed in the library. Library users are expected to clean up after themselves, use waste receptacles provided, and to immediately report spills or messes to a Service Desk. The University Libraries reserves the right to ask users to remove any food or drink that disrupts or hinders library use of others.
Study Rooms
The Reinert-Alumni Library offers reservable study rooms for use by our students, faculty, and staff. We offer 1-2 person rooms to help you concentrate or group study rooms where you can collaborate and talk freely. Our group study rooms are equipped with whiteboards and wall monitors. You can reserve all Reinert Study Rooms online.
Study Room Regulations:
Lost & Found
Do not leave purses, book bags, or any personal belongings unattended in the library facility.
When an item has been found in, or on, the library facility it is immediately taken to the Circulation Desk and given to a staff worker. Items will be held at the Circulation Desk for 24 hours and after are transferred to long term Lost and Found storage
If the item is a Creighton ID, staff will attempt to contact the owner by email. If the item is a government issued ID, credit/debit card, money, or other similarly valuable item, staff will contact Public Safety.
Posting and Exhibits
Posting of promotional materials in the University Libraries is prohibited unless by special permission of the Assistant Vice Provost for Library Services/University Librarian.
Exhibiting and tabling within University Libraries, including the Commons is prohibited unless by special permission of the Assistant Vice Provost for Library Services/University Librarian.
The Reinert-Alumni Library participates in reciprocal borrowing with other participating academic libraries in Nebraska. This program allows Creighton instructors, staff, and students to check out items in person at other area libraries, as a faster alternative to Interlibrary Loan.
Local Libraries | Hours |
Bellevue University | Hours |
College of Saint Mary | Hours |
University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) | Hours |
University of Nebraska at Lincoln (UNL) - One hour west on Interstate 80 | Hours |
University of Nebraska Medical Center - Instructors Only | Hours |
You must present your current Creighton ID card when visiting another library. Your ID will either be used as your library card at that library, or be used to verify your status at Creighton so that a separate library card can be issued. You are expected to:
Creighton students are also eligible for borrowing privileges from the Omaha Public Library, with evidence of Douglas County residence. Please call the Omaha Public Library at (402) 444-4800 for more information.
Our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) team fills requests to access print and electronic content regularly; this service is available at no cost to faculty, staff, and students. Requests for articles or chapters from books will be delivered electronically, with an average turnaround time of 2 business days. On average, it takes 6 business days for print content requested to arrive at one of our libraries.
The loan period for items we borrow from other libraries varies by institution, with the average loan period being 4-6 weeks. Most items can be renewed upon request, users will submit the renewal request within their ILLiad account.
For questions about ILL, please contact University Interlibrary Loan.
Creighton University Libraries support instruction and research with print and electronic course reserve services. The primary function of these services is to ensure that students and instructors will have timely access to course-related library resources.
Items on Course Reserve are available for check out at the Circulation desk. The length of check out depends on the individual item. Please see Course Reserves for more information.
University Libraries can post course materials for online access in our E-Reserves system, which will be linked in your Blueline course in the Library Research/Resources Tab.
We will upload files or scanned copies that adhere to Copyright and Fair Use guidelines or add stable links for journal articles and other content.
Please submit your fully cited readings list and any comments to the webform for each item to be posted.
Please allow 10 working days to process items that have no Copyright issues. If obtaining licenses of copyright permissions is required, the processing of those items could take up to 6 weeks. To ensure all content is available by the first day of the semester, please submit your requests as early as possible.
All published material must be accompanied by a complete citation. If a complete citation is not included and staff need to obtain it, processing time will be substantially slowed.
Instructors are responsible for determining if their use of copyrighted material falls within Fair Use or if they need to obtain permission to use the material. Visit our Copyright Quick Guide website for information on how to make this determination.
Lists are processed in the order they are received so that all instructors and students are treated equally.
Please review our Streaming Video Policy and Streaming Media Flowchart if you include requests to use these items in your course.
University Libraries can hold course materials for physical access at both the Reinert Alumni Memorial library and Health Sciences Library. Physical materials that can be held on reserve include books, print journals, DVDs or other media, technology items, and kits and models for health sciences education.
Please allow 10 working days to process physical reserve items owned by the University Libraries. To ensure all content is available by the first day of the semester, please submit your requests as early as possible. If a new item must be ordered from vendors or the item requested is currently checked out by another patron, these timelines may be significantly increased.
All published material must be accompanied by a complete citation. If a complete citation is not included and staff need to obtain it, processing time will be substantially slowed.
Lists are processed in the order they are received so that all instructors and students are treated equally.
Please submit your fully cited readings list and any comments to the webform for each item to be posted.
Personal (non-library) reserve items may be put on reserve, with the following considerations:
Reserve items may be checked out for the loan period set by the faculty member. Loan periods are generally 2 hours or 4 hours, with alternative loan periods for specialized items or circumstances. The borrower is responsible for returning reserve items on time. Overdue reserve items will result in assessment of fees to your library account. Items on reserve may not be taken out of the library without prior permission.
Print reserves are required texts, course packs, DVDs or other media, technology items, and kits and models used in health sciences education. University Libraries provides physical access to these materials in the library.
Electronic reserves, or e-reserves, are scanned materials, web links, links to full-text articles from databases, streaming video, and any other material access electronically. Many e-reserve readings are protected under copyright and should not be shared or distributed beyond the class