Departmental Awards

Achievement Spotlights

The Department of Chemistry at Creighton University spotlights the extraordinary achievements of faculty, staff, and students who contribute to the greater good. This department if full of outstanding individuals whose contributions to the ideals of a Jesuit, Catholic education, scholarship, and research is something to be recognized.

We celebrate their stories and recognize their contributions to chemistry, the University, and their communities.

College of Arts and Sciences University Seal

Student Awards

Academic Year Recipients

2010 – 2011

Patrick Kent
Michael Davidson (Biochemistry)

2011 – 2012

Andrew Urick
Katie Del Vecchio (Biochemistry)

2012 – 2013

Grayson Jackson
Zachariah Holmes (Biochemistry)

2013 – 2014

Joseph Christensen
Lyandysha Zholudeva (Biochemistry)

2014 – 2015

Leah Schaffer
Katherine Bauer (Biochemistry)

2015 - 2016

Jake Jagannathan
Daniel Poston (Biochemistry)

2016 - 2017

Evan Dalton
Matthieu Spriet (Biochemistry)

2017 - 2018

Rebecca Zawistowski
Heidi Klum (Biochemistry)

2018 - 2019

Colin Reedy
Zach Frevert (Biochemistry)

2021 - 2022

Rebecca Powers
Tyler Woodward (Biochemistry)

Academic Year Recipients

2010 - 2011

Sumit Kar
Michael Davidson

2011 - 2012

Theresa Greving
Andrew Urick

2012 - 2013

Brent Bruck
Hideaki Mekada
John Otto

2013 - 2014

Joseph Christensen
Alexander Stock

2014 - 2015

Kaitlyn Fischer
Renner Fujiwara

2015 - 2016

Shelby Lennon
Andrew Caffrey
Maxwell Dillenberg

2016 - 2017

Nicholas Bartschat
Grant MacKinnon

2017 - 2018

Amanda Bohannon
Benjamin Ryan
Samantha Stoupa

2018 - 2019

Nicholas Kreofsky
Alexander Lang
Julie Nguyen
Theodore Katz
Connor Lejcher
Robyn Scott
Hunter VanDolah

2021 - 2022

Kyle McGuire
Alexandra Van Cleave (Biochemistry)

Academic Year Recipients

2010 - 2011

Matthew Folchert
Michael Davidson

2011 - 2012

Michelle Clevenger
Erin Johnson

2012 - 2013

Grayson Jackson
Rance Fujiwara

2013 - 2014

Emily Bolton
Lauren Hintz

2014 - 2015

Michael Grzelak
Jennifer Hartjes

2015 - 2016

Brendan Cokingtin
Audrey Netzel
Daniel Posto

2016 - 2017

Matthew Hanson
Grant MacKinnon
Emma Schaffer

2017 - 2018

Rebecca Zawistowski

2018 - 2019

Christian Hannah
Theodore Katz
Nicholas Kreofsky
Colin Reedy
Robyn Scott
Anna Ziola

2021- 2022

Meredith Benson
Bryanna Bravo
Alexandra Van Cleave
Nathan Yoshida

Academic Year Recipients

2010 - 2011

Briana Hammiller

2011 - 2012

Katie Del Vecchio
Kyle Kawahara

2012 - 2013

Shweta Goswami
Lauren Turco

2013 - 2014

Damian Daszynski
Jeannie Ngo

2014 - 2015

Mason McCain

2015 - 2016

Katherine Jones
Tyler Ushino
Ashley Guanzon

2016 - 2017

Daniel Lynch
Nicholas Mason
Monika Satkauskas

2017 - 2018

Amanda Bohannon
Leah Pfeifer
Samantha Stoupa
Brice Tsao

2018 - 2019

Julie Nguyen
Colin Reedy
Alexandra Vahle

2021 - 2022

Mia Morrissey
Nethra Viswaroopan
Laura Cogua

Senior Awards Chemistry 2020

Name of Recipient (Seniors only)

Award Title

Jacquelyn Wright

American Institute of Chemists Award in Biochemistry

Kaleo Ogura

American Institute of Chemists Award in Chemistry

Other Senior Awards Chemistry 2020

Name of Recipient (Seniors only)

Award Title

Noah Brady

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Nic Heckenlaible

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Spencer Thompson

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Sid Venkatraman

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Molly Carrig

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Spencer Thompson

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Sid Venkatraman

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Clare Weber

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Nic Heckenlaible

Distinguished Research Award in Chemistry

Christ LeWarne

Distinguished Research Award in Chemistry

Kaleo Ogura

Distinguished Service Award

Clare Weber

Distinguished Service Award

Jacquelyn Wright

Distinguished Service Award

Joey D’Alesio

American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry

Jacquelyn Wright

Betty and Donald Baumann Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

Allyson Greco

Betty and Donald Baumann Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

Molly Carrig

Betty and Donald Baumann Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

Spencer Thompson

Betty and Donald Baumann Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

Senior Awards Chemistry 2018-2019
Name of Recipient (Seniors only)

Award Title

Zachary Frevert

American Institute of Chemists Award in Biochemistry

Colin Reedy

American Institute of Chemists Award in Chemistry

Other Senior Awards Chemistry 2018-2019

Name of Recipient (Seniors only)

Award Title

Christian Hannah

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Theodore Katz

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Nicholas Kreofsky

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Colin Reedy

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Robyn Scott

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Anna Ziola

Distinguished Academic Achievement Award

Connor Lejcher

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Theodore Katz

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Hunter VanDolah

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Robyn Scott

Distinguished Research Award in Biochemistry

Julie Nguyen

Distinguished Research Award in Chemistry

Alex Lang

Distinguished Research Award in Chemistry

Nicholas Kreofsky

Distinguished Research Award in Chemistry

Julie Nguyen

Distinguished Service Award

Alexandra Vahle

Distinguished Service Award

Colin Reedy

Distinguished Service Award

Kaleo Ogura

American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry


Anna Ziola

American Chemical Society Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry

Nick Kreofsky

American Chemical Society

Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry

Colin Reedy

American Chemical Society

Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry

Zach Frevert

Betty and Donald Baumann Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

Alex Lang

Betty and Donald Baumann Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

Robyn Scott

Betty and Donald Baumann Family Scholarship for Undergraduate Research

Academic Year Recipients

2021 - 2022

Grayson Huldin
Bryanna Bravo

Faculty/Staff Awards

Year Recipients


Juliane Soukup, PhD


Martin Hulce, PhD

Year Recipients


Bruce Mattson, PhD


Lynne Dieckman


Juliane Soukup, PhD

Year Recipients


Peter Stone, MS
Juliane Soukup, PhD

Year Recipients


Erin Gross, PhD


Bruce Mattson, PhD


Frances Klein, PhD



Jess Gunn, PhD
Peter Stone, MS


Jess Gunn, PhD


Juliane Soukup, PhD


HollyAnn Harris, PhD


Pioneer Preceptors in the Ratio Studiorum Program:
David Dobberpul, PhD
James Fletcher, PhD
Erin Gross, PhD
Stephen Gross, PhD
Frances Klein, PhD
Bruce Mattson, PhD
Juliane Soukup, PhD


David Dobberpuhl, PhD

Year Recipients


Julie Soukup, PhD

Year Recipients


Sandra Leighton, MSFS

Year Recipients


Bruce Mattson, PhD


Martin Hulce, PhD


Julie Soukup, PhD

Year Recipients


HollyAnn Harris, PhD


Juliane Soukup, PhD

Year Recipients


Mike Miller, PhD


Peter Stone, MS


Gary Michels, PhD


Martin Hulce, PhD


Frances Klein, PhD

Year Recipient


Gary Michels, PhD

Year Recipients


HollyAnn Harris, PhD

Year Recipients


Joel Destino, PhD
David Dobberpuhl, PhD
Nicole Kaufman, PhD
Robert Snipp, PhD
Peter Stone, MS
Eric Villa, PhD


Michael Anderson, PhD
Mark Freitag, PhD
Bruce Mattson, PhD
Bradley Parsons, PhD
Peter Stone, MS
Eric Villa, PhD

2012 Peter Stone, MS


David Dobberpuhl, PhD
Erin Gross, PhD
Peter Stone, MS

Year Recipients


Juliane Soukup, PhD


David Dobberpuhl, PhD


Mark Kearley, PhD


Francis Klein, PhD

Baumann Scholarship

Donald J. Baumann

This scholarship is awarded to up to three chemistry majors per year for the purpose of conducting research at Creighton University. Donald Baumann taught chemistry at Creighton from 1943 to 1946 and 1951 to 1980, retiring with the rank of Professor Emeritus. His wife, Betty, was Treasurer-Manager of the Creighton Federal Credit Union from 1967 until 1980. The Baumann family established this fund in 1986 to promote undergraduate research in chemistry at Creighton University. The fund provides for three $1,000 scholarships each year. The intent of the scholarship is to support research projects by chemistry majors under the mentorship of a faculty member. Ideas originated by the undergraduate applicants and with faculty mentorship are also welcome. This research would be done under the guidance of a chemistry professor. Applicants who wish to participate in an ongoing research program of a chemistry professor may also apply.

Students eligible to register for Directed Independent Research (CHM 497) may apply for the scholarship by completing the application form and returning it to Dr. Adrian Draney prior to the October 31 deadline.

The Baumann Family Scholarship was originally a $500 scholarship. As the fund grew, the award was increased to $1,000 in 1990. Starting in 2012, the fund was able to offer three $1,000 scholarships annually.

Group Photo of 2023 - 2024 Baumann Scholars and professors.


Research Director


Post-Graduation Plan

Adam Burr

Dr. James Fletcher


I plan to attend graduate school in pursuit of a Ph.D. in synthetic organic chemistry.

Connor Price

Dr. James Fletcher


Graduate School in Organic Chemistry.

Olivia Nicholson

Dr. Lynne Dieckmann


I plan to attend graduate school and work towards a PhD in pharmacology.

Academic Year Recipients
2023 - 2024 Adam Burr
Connor Price
Olivia Nicholson
2022 - 2023 Molly Dolan
Patrick Herchenbach
Rhiannon McCracken
2021 - 2022 Kyle McGuire
Ben Schauer
Tyler Woodward
2020 - 2021 Eric Marsh
Alexa Schmitz
Johnny Zigmond
2019 - 2020 Molly Carrig
Allyson Greco
Spencer Thompson
Jacquelyn Wright
2018 - 2019 Robyn Scott
Zach Frevert
Alex Lang
2017 - 2018 Heidi Klem
Rebecca Zawistowski
Brianna Callahan
Grace Kuhl
2016 - 2017 Jake Greenwood
Nick Mason
Monica Satkauskas
2015 - 2016 Jake Ravi Jagannathan
Maxwell Dillingburg
Andrew Caffrey
2014 - 2015 Leah Schaffer
Daniel Poston
Kaitlyn Fischer
2013 - 2014 Anne Mirich
Joe Christensen
Lana Zholudeva
2012 - 2013 Grayson Jackson
John Otto
Lana Zholudeva
2011 - 2012 Michelle Clevenger
Audrey Gallagher
2010 - 2011 Michael Davidson
Patrick Kent
2009 - 2010 Sarah Roszhart
Benjamin Johnson
2008 - 2009 Sarah Fredrick
Chad Lomas
2007 - 2008 Matthew Burkhead
Jordan Moates
Jodi Yanagida
2006 - 2007 Elizabeth Sterner
Beth Muszynski
2005 - 2006 Marcel Fallet
David Moody
2004 - 2005 Tom McCarthy
Trenton Pruden
2003 - 2004 James Hougas III
Michael Wentzel
2002 - 2003 Josh Waetzig
Trish Hoette
2001 - 2002 Jaclyn Greimann
Kevin Spicka
2000 - 2001 Sonya Tran
Steven Zahn
1999 - 2000 Kristin Herrmann
Aaron Michels
1998 - 1999 Rebecca-Rose Catahan
Jill Daley
1997 - 1998 Arti Patel
1996 - 1997 Michael McCarthy
1995 - 1996 Joseph Meinholz
1994 - 1995 Thomas R. Caferro
1993 - 1994 Wendy Naughton
1992 - 1993 Mark Hermann
1991 - 1992 Jeff W. Smith
1990 - 1991 Mark Puccioni
1989 - 1990 No award made this year
1988 - 1989 Kevin Chang
1987 - 1988 Elizabeth  Osburn


Contact Us

Department Office
Hixson-Lied Science Building, Room 268
Phone: 402.280.2813
Fax: 402.280.5737

Mailing Address
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
2500 California Plaza
Omaha NE 68178