Student Organizations and Activities

Social work students are active change agents on Creighton’s campus, in the surrounding community, as well as the homes each come from.  Social work students often find they “cannot un-see” the disparities around them and are compelled to action.  Below are a few links and highlights to activities led by social work students.

SOSW (Creighton University Student Organization of Social Workers)

The purpose of this organization is to promote and educate other students, the university, and the community about the Social Work profession and the values we hold. We seek to uphold the Jesuit tradition of the Ignatian spirit of being for and with others. Our purpose is to promote social justice for all people and individuals’ rights of self-determination. Our purpose is to uphold the value of confidentiality of others and the social work code of ethics. Our organization is committed to the dignity, worth and value of all human beings, regardless of social class, race, color, creed, gender, or age. More information can be found in our By-Laws.

SOSW meets 1-2 times monthly for guest speakers, community activities, building student connection, and sharing the passion of social work. Anni Dineen is the current SOSW president and can be contacted with inquiries for a student perspective. Anni can be reached at

Phi Alpha

Phi Alpha is the national social work honor society. Students are invited into membership once they have completed their Practice 1 course (SWK 345), and have met Phi Alpha criteria of being in the top 35% of all social work majors. Eligibility is calculated the beginning of fall and spring semester.