Curriculum Checklists

The curriculum checklists will give you an overview of the Heider College of Business requirements. The curriculum checklists can be used for all majors in the Heider College. The 3/3 Law Checklist should be used by students who are interested in the business early entry program into Creighton Law School. The Pre-Healthcare Checklist should be used for students who are interested in completing the pre-professional school requirements (medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, OT/PT).

Although there are subtle differences between the checklists and the requirements, you will not be locked into any major or path no matter which checklist you choose. If you think you want to go to Creighton Law School or professional school, use the appropriate checklist for these fields (3/3 Law Checklist and Pre-Health Sciences Checklist). If you are not interested in these fields, it is best to use the BSBA Curriculum Checklist.