AJCU International Education Network

Resource Page

The AJCU International Education Network was organized for the promotion and development of global education among AJCU member institutions. In addition, the Network supports collaboration and partnership with Jesuit institutions worldwide. Special attention is focused on the importance of international and global education to the Jesuit mission and the promotion of justice

On this site you will find resources for international educators at Jesuit universities. These have been compiled by the AJCU International Education Network Board or by representatives of Jesuit universities that are members of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities (AJCU - USA) or other global regional networks.



Please see information below on Board Elections


René Padilla, Ph.D. (Chair)
Vice Provost for Global Engagement
Creighton University
Omaha, NE
Term: 2018-2023

Luis (Kique) Bazan, Ed.D.
Associate Director for Immersions
University of San Francisco
San Francisco, CA
Term: 2018-2023

Csilla Samay, Ed.D.
Assistant Dean, International Students and Initiatives
Loyola Marymount University
Los Angeles, CA
Term: 2019-2024

D. Scott Hendrickson, SJ, D.Phil.
Associate Provost for Global and Community Engagement
Loyola University Chicago
Chicago, IL
Term: 2020-2024



Nominations for four (4) members of the Executive Board are sought for election in February 2024.  The election will replace two vacancies due to resignations (left Jesuit higher education) and two slots in the regular cycle. The new board will determine future term and election cycles.

You may nominate yourself or a colleague by completing the NOMINATION FORM.

If you nominate someone other than yourself, a current Board Member will contact the nominee to confirm acceptance.

Nominations are due not later than January 30, 2024.

The Network will have an Executive Board, comprised of six individuals from the Education Abroad field and from the International Student & Scholar Services field including Intensive English/ESL and international admissions.

Candidates for the Executive Board can be nominated by any individual in the listserv of the Conference for International Education or by self-nomination.

Members of the Executive Board will serve for three-year terms not to exceed two consecutive terms. Each institution will have one vote for each of the slots available. Should there be vacancies between elections, the Executive Board will appoint a replacement until the next election (the replacement should come from an institution not already represented in the Executive Board).

The Network will have one chair. The Executive Board shall appoint the chair who shall serve a three-year term.

Beginning in 2013, and every year there will be two slots open for election.

The next election will take place in February 2024.


AJCU Network on International Education Meetings

WHEN:  Thursday, November 30, 2023
TIME:  4:30 PM (Eastern) / 1:30 PM (Pacific)

We will host a virtual exchange of ideas around current needs and strategies.  After a brief plenary session we will divide into moderated rooms focused on the areas listed below:

•    Strategic Internationalization
•    International Student & Scholar Services
•    International Student Academic Success   & Language Support
•    Study Abroad
•    Sustainability & International Education
•    Global Learning Curriculum & Assessment Strategies
•    International Recruitment
•    International Alumni Association

Register HERE by November 209, 2023.

To assure the security of the Zoom meeting, we will send you the Zoom appointment / link as a verification of your registration.

The NAFSA 2024 Annual Conference & Expo will take place May 28-31, 2024 in New Orleans, LA.  

Please hold the date for the AJCU International Education Network Business Meeting and Reception on Monday, May 27, 2024.  Location and time TBA.

Conference on International Education of Jesuit Higher Education Institutions

DATE: February 2025 (exact date TBD)
LOCATION: Sophia University, Tokyo, Japan

Flash Surveys

The purpose of our flash surveys is to quickly gather information that may be useful for sharing of ideas or benchmarking for our members at all AJCU universities.

Surveys are usually open for one week and reports posted within 3 days from the day the survey closes.

If you have a request for a flash survey, please contact RenePadilla@creighton.edu


The AJCU Network on International Education maintains four separate listservs to support collaboration of international educators across Jesuit universities in the US and across the globe.

If you would like to subscribe to one or more of these listservs, please contact Deanna Howes Spiro (AJCU's Director of Communication) at dhowes@ajcunet.edu with your request and contact information.

  • AJCUINTL - general listserv for international educators at AJCU institutions
  • AJCUINTLEXEC - dedicated listserv for senior international officers
  • AJCUSTUDYABROAD - dedicated listserv for study abroad educators
  • AJCUINTLPARTNERS - listserv for partners at Jesuit universities across the globe.

These listservs are our main medium of communication regarding resources, inquiries, conferences and so on.

To maintain confidentiality, lists of participants in these listservs will not be sold or distributed for any reason.