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International and Comparative Law

For the world beyond your backyard.

If you want to be ready for a legal career in the ever-changing globalized legal marketplace—and impact laws and policies affecting human rights—the International and Comparative Law concentration from Creighton School of Law is ideal for you.

Your Experience

Classes are small at Creighton law school. That means you’ll get to know—and interact with—your professors and fellow students. Speaking of your professors: They’re great legal minds who also have had feet-on-the-ground experience. They publish. They present. They’re known as experts in their field. They’ve also been around the world. 

Your Creighton School of Law education could even take you out of the country. Through Creighton’s Nuremberg Summer Program, you could study international criminal law in Nuremburg with professors Mike Kelly and Sean Watts. You’ll round out your studies by completing a substantial project, such as a paper or an independent directed study project.

Your Courses

You must earn 18 hours worth of credit and maintain a 3.0 GPA within the International and Comparative Law concentration. You’re required to complete a substantial project, which is satisfied by taking a paper class, writing an article for the Creighton Journal of International and Comparative Law, or completing a brief for the Jessup moot court team. This program has distribution requirements, so you must take at least one course in comparative law, one in public international law, and one in private international law. Please review the course lists below for further guidance.

LAW 423 International Law (3)

Participating in a study abroad program, such as the Spain Student Exchange Program, may satisfy the elective requirements of this certificate. Please check with your advisor.

LAW 309 Comparative Constitutional Law (2) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 319 Comparative Corporate Governance Seminar (2) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 323 Comparative Government (3)
LAW 331 Conflict of Laws (3)
LAW 356 Europe and United States Privacy Law (3)
LAW 352 European Union Law (3) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 300 Impact & Legacy of the Holocaust on the Law (3)
LAW 450 Immigration Customs Enforcement (3)
LAW 370 Immigration Law (3) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 383 International Arbitration (2)
LAW 444 International Aspects of U.S. Income Tax (3)
LAW 372 International Business Contracting (3) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 382 International Criminal Law (2 or 3)
LAW 379 Climate Change & International Environmental Law (2) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 384 International Human Rights (2) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 508 International and Comparative Law Journal (up to 5, but only 3 count toward concentration) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 402 Law of Armed Conflict Seminar (2)
LAW 409 National Security and Foreign Relations Law (3) (Satisfies substantial project)
LAW 485 Selected Moot Court Competitions (2) (Satisfies substantial project)