This division has a strong history of research. Currently, the Osteoporosis Research Center (ORC) has several NIH grant applications pending.
One of these is a vitamin D intervention study; the second is a study of advanced glycation end products in the bone tissue of patients with fracture matched with normal controls; the third is a study of gene expression in bone biopsies from fracturing patients each matched with a normal control.
We have prepared, and submitted an NIH application for what is known as a P30 grant. In this project we propose joining with a group at the University of Missouri Kansas City to provide our combined bone (osteoporosis) and muscle research resources to a group of about 50 or 60 scientists (users) in the Midwest as well as the entire United States and elsewhere.
Meanwhile we are analyzing data from our recent studies. The most interesting study has been what we call the bone quality study in which we are comparing bone quality measurements in 60 fracturing patients who are each individually matched with a normal control. We have all of the data collected but only preliminary analyses have been done. We have not yet published data at the time of this writing. The biopsy data from these pairs show very interesting bone tissue qualitative defects compared to the controls. These data are already of considerable interest to the field of tbone physiology and osteoporosis.