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Request Research Assistance

doctor examining patient with stethoscope

Taking a research project from conception to finish product requires understanding of the topic and a structured evaluation of the presented information. If you are a medical student with a research idea but without clear direction of what methods or analysis tools you should employ, there are resources available to help with you. Please read through and thoroughly document the following:

  1. Identify a research question for your project.
  2. Identify a mentor to collaborate on your project.
  3. Determine whether data are available to answer your research question.
  4. Download and complete the Study Proposal Form.

Once you have completed the following four steps, please email Ryan Walters, kindly asking if he would be available to meet with you. In the body of the email, provide answers to questions 1-3 in brief. Finally, attach the study proposal form to the email. Projects will be queued in the order they are received. Projects with unrealistic timelines or projects with questionable scientific rigor will be denied.

Ready to start your next steps?