Phoenix Doctor of Physical Therapy

Join Creighton's physical therapy program in Phoenix.

A Physical Therapy Education for a Modern World

Creighton's physical therapy program in Phoenix builds upon the success of our established sibling program in Omaha. Our two programs share a common mission, commitment to excellence, service and curriculum.

In Phoenix, we continue this tradition of innovative teaching that develops physical therapy practitioners dedicated to serving the community, the region and becoming leaders in our profession.

PT Program Curriculum

At Creighton, the curriculum focuses on spiritual health, personal growth, self-reflection and PT as a life/career calling. Here, you’ll find a clinical education program with an emphasis on professional practice dispersed throughout the curriculum. Students also have extended periods of patient care experiences during full-time clinical practice in the final year.

Other highlights include:

  • PT evaluation and treatment skills are introduced across the health spectrum and progress in medical complexity over subsequent semesters.
  • Our unique integrated lab series “threads” curricular content and skill development across semesters.
  • There’s an emphasis on health, wellness and prevention and a special focus on pain management.
  • Foundational science courses are the basis for all clinical science courses.
  • The curriculum will help you prep for ACSM (American College of Sports Medicine) and CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists) certifications.
  • In your fourth semester, you can focus your studies with a sports, women’s health or research specialization track that prepares you for advanced career opportunities, residency or pursuit of an advanced degree.
  • Learning Communities are smaller groups of students who come together with faculty facilitators to explore critical topics contributing to students’ professional formation.

3 + 3 Dual Degree DPT Program with ASU

Creighton has partnered with Arizona State University to offer a unique opportunity. Participants in our 3 + 3 dual degree DPT program can earn a bachelor’s degree at ASU and a DPT degree from Creighton in only six years.  

PT students scanning
Creighton Health Sciences Campus building with sun beaming over one side.

The Health Sciences Campus in Phoenix

Located in midtown Phoenix, the state-of-the-art 195,000 square-foot Health Sciences campus is designed to promote interactive and interdisciplinary learning for future clinicians in physical therapy. Our facility includes a fully equipped rehabilitation laboratory, anatomy lab, acute care lab, simulation and patient suites, PT research laboratories and more.

A Space Designed for Collaborative Learning

Creighton’s Phoenix campus opened in 2021, offering students more than 6,000 square feet of simulation space.

In the school’s nine labs, learners gain hands-on experience with standardized patients, home care environments and more.

By 2025, we project that the Phoenix campus will be home to nearly 1,000 health sciences students.

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Making a Difference Through Service

True to our Jesuit, Catholic roots, you’ll find many service opportunities at Creighton University, both locally and internationally.

Adaptive Yoga Program

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Ability 360

Ability360 is a Phoenix-based center for independent living for individuals with disabilities throughout the state. Creighton students can volunteer in the center’s wheelchair rugby games, adaptive hiking and other community health activities.

student with backpack smiling
st vincent Phoenix building

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)

SVdP’s Virginia G. Piper Medical Clinic in Phoenix serves uninsured patients without access to care in Maricopa County. A partnership with Creighton allows physical therapy students to care for patients alongside other health sciences students at the clinic.

Physical Therapy Institute for Latin American Concern Program

Spend four weeks of clinical education in the Dominican Republic. Students provide professional service to underserved populations in nine clinical sites while learning the language and culture.

ILAC center
faculty demonstrating PT chair

Addressing the Healthcare Shortage

The Creighton University Arizona Health Education Alliance is an important addition to Phoenix’s medical community, which faces a critical shortage of healthcare professionals to serve the region’s diverse population. The Alliance provides Creighton students essential hands-on patient-care experience at mission-focused Phoenix healthcare facilities.

Stat 5

largest city in the nation


Stat 1

fastest growing city in the U.S.

– U.S. census data

Stat 4

in healthcare quality

– U.S. News & World Report

Physical Therapy Accreditation

The Doctor of Physical Therapy Program at Creighton University is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE).