EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening.
All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit my.creighton.edu for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well.
Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations.
Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.
Student Counseling Services compassionately addresses student concerns and provides valuable self-care tools. Typical concerns include self-esteem issues, relationships, stress and anxiety, loneliness, and depression.
Due to the increasing demand for mental health services, changing student demographics, and interest in quicker access to care, Student Counseling Services is reimagining the most effective ways to provide mental healthcare to students. Based on Dr. Will Meek’s Flexible Care Model, Student Counseling Services is adopting a Flexible Care Hybrid Model that recognizes students’ mental health needs vary in scope and urgency.
What is the Flexible Care Hybrid Model?
The Flexible Care Model by Dr. Will Meek from which Student Counseling Services created the Flexible Care Hybrid Model, is based on three areas of research and practice: common factors research (all effective forms of therapy share similar elements), multicultural psychology (beliefs about psychology and mental health are culturally bound), and urgent care medical centers (quick access to care). This model embraces the diversity of individual clinical practice to attune to what works, acknowledges the need for both culturally competent providers and a culturally competent system for students to use, and is goal-focused. This model adjusts for the changing landscape of mental health needs by providing quick access to services, offering variable session lengths, engaging in goal-focused counseling (discussing specific goals and ways to achieve this right from the get-go), and creating individualized treatment pathways.
What are treatment pathways?
Treatment pathways are recommendations for an individual based on their concerns and the most appropriate and beneficial ways to assist with those concerns. Because each student is unique, each treatment pathway is tailored to meet the needs of the individual.
How long does it take to get an appointment?
Student Counseling Services aims to provide students an initial appointment within 1-2 days. Spots reserved for initial appointments are available throughout the day. If an appointment is not available within 1-2 days, it is likely that a student has limited availability or the student is waiting for a certain provider. Students who can only be seen in the evening or on weekends are encouraged to look at our Community Resource Guide for community providers.
What services does Student Counseling Services provide?
Student Counseling Services offers a variety of mental health and overall wellbeing services and resources on- and off-campus. This includes campus supports, peer supports, self-help psychoeducation, workshops, group therapy, online therapy, individual therapy, crisis support, assessment, psychiatry, and off-campus referral sources.
Can I receive individual counseling at Student Counseling Services?
Yes. Individual counseling is just one of many resources available to students in the Flexible Care Hybrid Model. In many cases, a student’s concerns can be addressed with resources that allow for greater student autonomy and less time commitment (campus resources, workshops, group therapy, therapy assistance online, etc.) rather than immediately starting with individual counseling. Student Counseling Services will work with the student to determine if individual counseling will be appropriate.
How many sessions can I have at Student Counseling Services?
Student Counseling Services does not have session limits, but does, however, work from a short-term, goal-focused model. The number of sessions in the short-term model varies based on a student’s concerns. Student Counseling Services also offers limited longer-term services. Students requiring specialized services or wanting continual services throughout their entire time at Creighton should refer to the Community Resource Guide for a list of community providers. Refer to our limitations of services (below) for more information.
I didn’t connect with my counselor, can I see someone else?
We understand that it’s important to feel connected to your counselor. Students are strongly encouraged to discuss and resolve any issues or difficulties with their counselor before requesting a change. If a solution is is not possible, you can ask the front desk to schedule you with another counselor at your next appointment.
Does Student Counseling Services offer services to Creighton Students who are outside Nebraska?
Currently, due to licensing laws, Student Counseling Services is only able to provide services to students in the state of Nebraska. Out-of-state students should refer to the Community Resource Guide for services. For additional support finding services, call Student Counseling Services at 402-280-2256.
I’m in crisis, what do I do?
Student Counseling Services offers crisis services to students during business hours and after-hours. During business hours, contact 402-280-2256 and indicate to the front desk staff that you are in crisis. Alternatively, visit the Student Counseling Services office in Markoe Hall.
For crises that occur after business hours, call 402-280-2256 and select the option for after-hours crisis support. Anyone who has a concern about a student can use this resource. This resource is not for traditional counseling or rescheduling of appointments. It is designed for risk assessment and crisis stabilization.
Additional crisis support:
I’m discharging from a treatment program and want to continue my care at Student Counseling Services. What do I do?
Students who are returning from a temporary withdrawal will need to complete a reentry evaluation with a Student Counseling Services provider to determine next steps. Please call 402-280-2256 to schedule an evaluation. If you completed a program during a break and did not take a temporary withdrawal, please call 402-280-2256 to schedule an initial appointment. A counselor will meet with you to determine what resources may be most helpful for you. To help determine the best resource for you, we encourage you to submit any discharge paperwork from the treatment program prior to your appointment. This can be faxed to 402-280-1859.
I’m currently on psychiatric medication and would like to switch my care to Student Counseling Services. What do I do?
Call 402-280-2256 and inform the front desk that you would like to schedule a psychiatry appointment. The front desk will need a copy of your insurance card and recent medical records prior to the appointment. If you are currently being prescribed a medication for ADHD, Student Counseling Services requires confirmation of an ADHD diagnosis from a licensed psychiatrist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, psychiatric physician assistant, or mental health provider trained in assessment and at least one reliable and valid psychometric measure of attention. These records can be faxed to 402-280-1859.
I think I may have ADHD or a Learning Disorder. What do I do?
Student Counseling Services offers psychoeducational testing for ADHD and learning disorders for a fee. If you are interested in getting tested, please call 402-280-2256 and the front desk will schedule you for an initial appointment. During that appointment, a counselor will explain the assessment process and give you a screening form, which will need to be submitted to the assessment coordinator. After review of your screeening form, the assessment coordinator will be in contact for next steps.
I’m worried about a student. How do I refer them to Student Counseling Services?
Students can be referred in several ways:
If you have any questions, call 402-280-2256. Please be aware that our services are confidential. No follow-up information will be provided unless the student gives us permission to do so.
I want to schedule an appointment for a student. Can I do that?
Students must schedule their own appointments. If they are near you and you want to assist, you can call and allow them to speak to us to schedule an appointment. The exceptions to this policy are:
The Tell Someone online forms allow all members of the Creighton Community to report harassment, discrimination, grievances or concerning behavior. Users must login with a NetID and Blue password to utilize these forms. The information users provide will be private, and Creighton staff members who receive this form have signed a non-disclosure agreement, committing them to maintain the highest level of privacy. Fill out a form.
At the Omaha Campus
In an emergency or to report suspicious activity, please call Public Safety at (402) 280-2911.
At the Phoenix Campus:
In an emergency or to report suspicious activity, call 911.
To report a crime or non-emergency 602-262-6151.
To call Silent Witness, dial 480-948-6377 (480-WITNESS).
At the Central Nebraska Campus or throughout the United States:
In an emergency or to report suspicious activity, call 911.
If you are a student and need to report a complaint about a specific office or department not covered below, please visit the Student Complaints policy page.
Student Counseling Services is an outpatient mental health service dedicated to treatment of enrolled Creighton undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Generally, Counseling Services can treat the emotional difficulties and mental disorders that can safely be managed within the structure of an outpatient service. There are certain mental health disorders that cannot be effectively treated within the structure and resources of Creighton’s Counseling Services. Students that cannot be treated effectively or safely within this structure of resources will be referred to mental health resources within the community (in Omaha or in the student’s home community). Situations that require referral include (but are not limited to) the following: symptoms of disorganized or disruptive psychoses and high suicidal potential requiring inpatient hospital treatment; serious eating disorders; serious substance abuse/addiction treatment; chronic emotional crisis requiring intensive treatment, frequent appointments or special supervision or behavioral management.
The Flexible Care Hybrid Model offers:
The graphic below outlines the breadth of services and treatment pathways that are offered through Student Counseling Services.
All students who are interested in meeting with Student Counseling Services will receive an initial appointment focused on discussing individual needs and determining the best way to address those needs. Students will be asked to complete some initial paperwork to allow for more time focused on needs and less time spent on background information.
Please call 402-280-2256 (CALM) to set up your initial appointment.
Counseling Services office is accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services, and adheres to the ethical principles of the American Psychological Association. Our staff is committed to meeting the needs of all individuals regardless of culture, race, gender, ability, or sexual orientation.
Student Counseling Services
P: 402.280.2256
F: 402.280.1859
Academic Year Hours
Monday: 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m.- 6 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Please call to make an appointment