The communication component of the C-CEI© evaluates the students’ ability to:

  • Communicate with intra/interprofessional team (TeamSTEPPS, SBAR, Written)
  • Communicate effectively with patient and family members (verbal, nonverbal, teaching)
  • Document care clearly, concisely and accurately
  • Deliver evidence-based care in order to optimize patient outcomes
  • Respond to abnormal findings appropriately
  • Promote professionalism in the simulation environment

The Blank Template Worksheet  is designed to help faculty develop the expected minimum behaviors for each competency within the assessment component.

When determining the expected minimum behaviors, faculty should take into consideration:

  • The grade level of the student participant
  • The desired learning outcomes of the scenario

With these in mind, faculty should reach a consensus about the behaviors required to obtain a score of one—demonstrates competency.