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Accessibility & Mental Health

Creighton students with disabilities, accessibility considerations or learning accommodations study abroad all around the world. While perceptions about accessibility and accommodation for students with emotional, mental, learning, or physical disabilities can vary in different programs and countries, the Global Engagement Office (GEO) supports students throughout the advising and study abroad process.

Questions for Reflection

  • How are physical, mental, and/or learning disabilities perceived in my host country?
  • Is my housing abroad accessible? How easy will it be to navigate my host city?
  • Does my host institution offer learning accommodations? What do I steps do I need to take to arrange for these accommodations?
  • Do I need to bring any medication or transfer a prescription abroad? What medical resources will I have access to abroad?
  • Have I disclosed my needs and accommodations to my Global Programs Coordinator and the Office of Student Accessibility Services?

Prescription Considerations

  • Have a conversation with your physician well in advance of your study abroad program about obtaining an adequate supply of prescription medications you need for the duration of your study abroad program.
  • Use the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) website to view general information about country regulations for travelers carrying medicines made with controlled substances.  The INCB may not have information from all countries and territories.
  • Check with the foreign embassy of your host country to verify whether your medication is available and legal in your countries of interest.
  • When traveling, carry your prescription medications in your carry-on bag in their original container along with the hard-copy prescription with your physician's explanation of the condition and the generic and brand names of the medication and dosage information.
  • Never mail your medications abroad.
  • Rehearse how you will explain your disability in the language of your host country. Look up key vocabulary words ahead of time.