Creighton-ILAC Programs

More than 5,000 Creighton students have traveled to the Dominican Republic, either through Encuentro Dominicano, ILAC Summer Program, ILAC Water Quality Program, or other programs in collaboration with the Creighton-ILAC office.

Creighton-ILAC programs are offered for dental, medical, nursing, pharmacy, law, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and undergraduate students.

These programs are about a true exchange of gifts. We are grateful for the collaborations we have with faculty and staff across campus that join with us to provide an opportunity for students to live in solidarity with and experience the love and hospitality of the Dominican people while at the same time using their skills to serve.

WHEN: 11 month commitment, beginning in August - following June

WHO: postgraduates seeking volunteer/service abroad

Applications now open for the 2025/2026 Year! Priority deadline for initial review: Jan 31, 2025


The ILAC Faith and Service Volunteer is a live-in, post-graduate staff member responsible for assisting with various aspects of the many programs that take place at the ILAC Center in Santiago, Dominican Republic. Volunteers will work directly as a cultural liaison with high school groups, college groups, medical missions, and graduate and professional schools. Volunteers will also spend some time at a designated service site in the city of Santiago. Site placement will follow a mutual discernment process to best fit the volunteer and the community.

ILAC admits 2-4 Faith and Service Volunteers each year. Each volunteer receives a monthly stipend, room & board at the Faith and Service Volunteer house, international health insurance and travel health insurance coverage, and one round trip ticket from any city in the US to Santiago, Dominican Republic. Loan deferral can be arranged upon request.

View the complete position description & additional information HERE

For more information contact:

Jill Muegge, Director, ILAC Operations - Omaha at

WHEN: May (3 weeks), annually

WHO: This program is open to Creighton undergraduate, recent graduates, and graduate students in education or education-related fields. Additionally, any student interested in working with children, cultural learning experiences, and global citizenship are invited to participate. Spanish language proficiency is not required.


This travel abroad experience offers a unique opportunity to explore elementary schools and English language learning programs in the Dominican Republic, while gaining a deeper understanding of the cultural factors that shape education in this diverse Caribbean nation. Through observation, reflection, and interactions with local students, teachers, and communities, participants will engage in a rich cross-cultural experience that promotes intercultural competence, critical thinking, and professional development. Through reflection and self-assessment, participants may be encouraged to examine their own biases and assumptions about culture, language, and education, and explore ways to challenge and overcome them.

Applications are due in September for the following year's program. When available, the online application will be open on the program brochure page here.

For more information contact:

WHEN: Every Fall semester, annually

Encuentro Dominicano will NOT be available in the Spring 2024 term - it runs in the Fall semester only. Encuentro applications will open for the Fall 2024 term starting in December 2023. Watch the Creighton University study abroad website (below) for details. 

WHO: Undergraduate Students from Creighton University and other partnership colleges and universities


Encuentro Dominicano centers around service-learning, travel, and building community with fellow students and Dominicans – all while experiencing the rich and vibrant culture of the Dominican Republic. Encuentro embodies the Jesuit mission of promoting justice, striving for excellence, and dedication to the truth.

Students will experience service, academic life, and two immersion trips living and working with Dominican families in a rural community.

Applications for the fall semester abroad are due by February 15. Students can apply online through the Creighton University study abroad website

For more information contact:

WHEN: July (3 weeks), annually

WHO: Students in the schools of medicine (M2s & M4s), dentistry, pharmacy, nursing, and undergraduate students. Professionals in each field are also welcome to apply.


The ILAC Summer Health Program is an inter-disciplinary medical program that gives students and healthcare professionals the opportunity to live with and become a part of a family and community in the rural campo communities of the Dominican Republic.  It focuses on building relationships across cultural, linguistic, and socio-economic barriers as well as creates the opportunity for Dominicans living in rural communities to receive basic health care. 

While living in the campos for 2.5 weeks, students and professionals work in a small clinic in the mornings and the afternoons are left to spend time with families or to give "charlas" (educational talks) on techniques to improve the quality of life through preventative health care.


Applications open in September for the following year's program and are due in October. Each applicant must complete an interview as a part of the application process.

Program Details & Student Application Online Here


Volunteers are needed in the fields of Nursing, Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Medicine. Applications open in November for the following year's program and are due in March.

Application for healthcare professionals online here

For more information contact Jill Muegge at

WHEN: May (3 weeks), annually

WHO: Creighton University undergraduate students


Students spend time visiting rural campos to analyze water samples and correct problems with their filters. Following the analysis, students return to the campo to explain the results and educate the Dominicans about correct usage and maintenance habits. By working with the Dominicans, this program has the ability to impact the current and future health of rural communities. The program also focuses on building a community with those we work with. In forming these relationships, students experience service that is not about serving the community, but rather about serving with the community and creating a shared sense of dignity and accomplishment.

Applications open in September for the following summer's program and are due in October.

View Program Details and Apply Online Here!

For more information, contact Dr. Mike Miller at

WHEN: December (1 week), annually

WHO: Law students and graduate students from the Werner Institute


Through the Ronald Volkmer Dominican Republic Immersion Trip, you’ll learn about the Dominican judicial system, participate in service projects, grow in your faith, and experience all aspects of Dominican life, law and culture.

Law students and graduate students from the Werner Institute are provided opportunities to learn about various human rights issues in the Dominican Republic in a variety of contexts, including trips to the border of Haiti, the capital city of the Dominican Republic, and a rural community (campo).  A service project is included along with time for reflection and prayer in the Mission Chapel at the ILAC Center.  The trip is best described as an "immersion" experience with the opportunity to be spiritually and culturally awakened by contact with the Dominican People.

Applications will be due in October for the December program. When available, the application will be open on the program brochure page here.

For more information:

WHEN: Creighton University Undergraduate Fall Break (1 week), annually

WHO: Senior-year Nursing Students


The ILAC Fall Nursing Immersion Trip for senior nursing students provides an opportunity for cultural immersion, spiritual development, and service in the Dominican Republic. While the actual immersion will take place during the Fall Break, the total experience encompasses the entire community health clinical rotation. Students participating in the fall break immersion must complete all required clinical experiences and assignments per their designated clinical course.

Applications are due in March for the following year's program. When available, the online application will be open on the program brochure page HERE.

Contact Dr. Margo Minnich, or Dr. Shelly Luger, for questions regarding eligibility and applications for this program.  

WHEN: January - February (3 weeks), annually

WHO: Graduating Creighton University OT students


The OT ILAC Program is a 3-week immersion for graduating occupational therapy students in the Dominican Republic. Students have the opportunity to provide occupational therapy services and consultations at a public hospital outpatient clinic, a skilled nursing facility and in a pediatric setting. These clinical opportunities include sites such as Cabral, Hospicio or International Child Care. The program also focuses on learning the culture and occupations of Dominican people which includes a weekend immersion in a rural community or campo, visits to a Haitian Batey, and providing clinical service around Santiago.  Throughout the program, students and professionals engage in active reflection about the culture, their vocation of occupational therapy and personal growth from the experience.

For more information contact:

WHEN: March - April (4 weeks), annually

WHO: Graduating Creighton University PT students


The ILAC PT program provides graduating Physical Therapy students the opportunity to participate in a 4-week clinical immersion experience in the Dominican Republic.  Creighton students and supervising PTs collaborate with a variety of PT sites within the Dominican Republic, provide a clinic in a rural community, offer probono services at the ILAC center, and experience Dominican culture. Providing education to Dominican PTs and health promoters is one of the main focuses of the program. Students provide "charlas" or inservices to empower healthcare providers and further the 'cura personalis'.

For more information contact:

WHEN: Fall semester course, one-week fall break immersion in DR (annually)

WHO: Undergraduate students. Students must apply and interview to be approved and registered in the fall semester course, cross-listed as ECO / BIA / ENT 479


This interdisciplinary, service-learning course will focus on the deployment of educational technology at numerous sites in the Dominican Republic.  Students will enhance discipline-specific knowledge through their engagement with interdisciplinary teams, technology, and analysis of the project and environment. While the actual immersion will take place during the Fall Break, the total experience encompasses the entire Fall semester. 

Students on different "tracks" will work together in interdisciplinary teams to develop and enhance education technology to be presented to schools and other partner organizations in the Dominican Republic.

For more information contact:

WHEN: May (3 weeks, after undergraduate final exams), annually

WHO: Undergraduate students in the SSS/TRIO program (all majors)


This three-week summer program in the Dominican Republic focuses on service, knowledge exploration, and building community with fellow students and Dominicans – all while experiencing the rich and vibrant Caribbean culture of the DR. Students have the opportunity to further explore a "theme" of interest through the lens of the Dominican Republic.

  • Sustainability Efforts in the Dominican Republic
  • Social Determinants of Health & Public Health in the Dominican Republic
  • Dominican Republic Business, Economy & Workers Rights

At the end of this experience participants will be expected to articulate how this immersive experience abroad has supported their future academic, educational, and/or career goals.

Applications are due in October for the following summer's program. When available, the application will be available online through the SSS office.

For more information contact:

WHEN: February (4 weeks), annually

WHO: Medical students (4th year) interested in OBGYN, family medicine, emergency medicine, pediatrics and internal medicine.


This 4-week program in January/February is open to 4th year medical students and nurse practitioner students in their final practicum. Medical Spanish is required. There are interpreters available; however, the student will get much more out of the experience the more Spanish they know!

  • Experience the different sides of Women's Healthcare in the DR. You will spend time in a public hospital, private hospital and rural area. The experience includes a one-week immersion in a rural community where the student will live with a Dominican family and set up and run a local clinic. Students will become proficient in pelvic exams and counseling regarding women's health issues.
  • Reflection is another important component, and the experience involves both group and personal reflection in the spirit of Ignatian values.
  • Finally, there are plenty of opportunities to learn about and experience the Dominican culture, Dominican-Haitian relations, and the beautiful Dominican scenery!

*Must have some interest in women’s health, but do not have to be going into OBGYN as a specialty.  Students going into family medicine, emergency medicine, pediatrics and internal medicine are all welcome to participate.

Applications are due in May for the following year's program. When available, the online application will be open on the program brochure page here.

For more information contact:

“I wouldn’t change my study abroad experience for the world... It helped me learn and grow in ways I never thought were possible.”

Kathryn McGovern, Class of 2026