Weather Alert

EARLY CLOSURE MARCH 4 - Due to the forecast for severe winter weather, Creighton's Omaha campus will close at 7 P.M. this evening. 

All in-person classes, clinics, and events, regardless of start time, are asked to end by 7 P.M. For those needing a shuttle, please visit for the most up-to-date maps and schedule. Shuttles will run until 8 P.M. this evening. We encourage you to be mindful of other closures or impacted services across the city as well. 

Employees, including those classified as responsible for “essential operations” should review Creighton's Weather and Emergency-Related Absence Policy and work with your immediate supervisor on expectations for job functions during this curtailment of campus operations. 

Please take proper winter weather precautions throughout the day and contact public safety at 402.280.2911 for any emergencies.

Our Current Psychiatry Residents

Our residents are a dynamic, diverse, accomplished and highly motivated group, committed to excellence in the field. They enjoy the opportunity to grow together as professionals, peer mentors and friends throughout their years in the program.

First Year


Yazan Al-Khalila, MD (Rural Track)

  • Hometown: Amman, Jordan
  • Medical School: Hashemite University Faculty of Medicine
  • A song that I leave on repeat: All Dead, All Dead by Queen
  • Number one on my bucket list: Touring through Europe on a bicycle
  • Funny childhood memory: In kindergarten, I gave all my toys to other kids and told them they could return them to me in 100 years.



Orrin Chambers, DO

  • Hometown: Colorado Springs, Colorado
  • Medical School: Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • A song that I leave on repeat: I’m Blue by Eiffel 65
  • Strange talent: I am a movie soundtrack nerd. I have a knack for remembering what scene the music coincides with.
  • My weird, secret hobby: I collect Transformers. I had a bunch as a child, and I officially got into collecting them during the pandemic.



Ayse Coskun, MD (Rural Track)

  • Hometown: Adana, Turkey
  • Medical School: Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine
  • TV show that I binge-watched: The Mentalist and Monk
  • Most amazing place I have visited: Machu Picchu
  • Career path I almost chose: Becoming a Lawyer



Caitlin Leconte, MD

  • Hometown: Gregory, South Dakota
  • Medical School: University of Kansas School of Medicine
  • Drink of choice: Ginger beer
  • Books I am currently reading: The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald, I’m Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy and Platonic by Marisa G. Franco
  • My weird secret hobby: I love minimalism, and I enjoy organizing and cleaning out cluttered spaces

Nishi Modi, MBBS

  • Hometown: Surat, Gujarat, India
  • Medical School: Government Medical College Surat
  • My go-to drink of choice: A masala chai
  • Number one on my bucket list: Scuba diving in the Maldives
  • TV show that I binge watched: F.R.I.E.N.D.S.



Mohan Palakollu, MD

  • Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
  • Medical School: University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Medicine
  • My biggest fear: Closed spaces
  • Meal I could eat every week: Taco Bell
  • I would like a lifetime supply of: Plane tickets, so I can take as many trips as I want



Ahmed Sakr, MD

  • Hometown: Tanta, Egypt
  • Medical School: Tanta University Faculty of Medicine
  • TV show that I binge-watched: Ozark
  • Most amazing place I have ever visited: South Sinai
  • Biggest fear: Breaking my eyeglasses



Geena Sutherland, MD

  • Hometown: Richfield, Minnesota
  • Medical School: St. George’s University School of Medicine
  • I would like a lifetime supply of: Flaming Hot Cheetos
  • In high school I was known for: Having the loudest and most distinct laugh
  • Meal I could eat every week: Bulgogi with rice and kimchi

Second Year

Hesham Essa, MD

Hesham Essa, MD

  • Hometown: Monofiya, Egypt
  • Medical School: Benha Faculty of Medicine
  • Career I almost pursued: Engineering
  • Song I play on repeat: Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin
  • For my last meal: Rice and Okra


Lior Hilsenrath, MD

Lior Hilsenrath, MD
(Rural Track)

  • Hometown: I grew up all over the world!
  • Medical School: Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • If I could travel anywhere: Glacier National Park
  • Song I play on repeat: Metamorphosen by Richard Strauss
  • Career I almost pursued: Musician or Mathematician


Masha Ilin Impallaria, MD

Masha Ilin Impallaria, MD

  • Hometown: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
  • Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine
  • If I could travel anywhere: Greek Islands
  • For my last meal: Pizza
  • Drink of choice: Love Spindrift (especially the Nojito Sparkling Water)


Anvesh Jalasutram, MD

Anvesh Jalasutram, MD

  • Hometown: Buffalo Grove, Illinois
  • Medical School: University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria
  • Drink of choice: Chocolate milk. Yes, really
  • Strange talent: I am a bottomless well of SpongeBob quotes
  • Best place I’ve visited: Isle of Skye in the Scottish Highlands - such a high concentration of breathtaking sights. Would have been the perfect trip if not for the 150+ times we were bitten by midges (small flies)
Meagan Campbell Kubista, MD

Meagan Campbell Kubista, MD

  • Hometown: Watertown, Minnesota
  • Medical School: University of Minnesota Medical School
  • If I could travel anywhere: I'd absolutely love to visit Costa Rica!
  • Song I play on repeat: Lord of the Rings soundtrack
  • Guilty pleasure TV show: New Girl or Scrubs


Tommy Sung, MD

Tommy Sung, MD
(Rural Track)

  • Hometown: San Jose, California
  • Medical School: Kyungpook National University (Republic of Korea)
  • If I could travel anywhere: Kaua'i
  • For my last meal: Korean Oxtail Soup
  • Strange talent: I have perfect pitch. I can even tell you what pitch it is when you knock on wood


Kari Wolatz, MD

Kari Wolatz, MD

  • Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
  • Medical School: University of Nebraska Medical Center
  • Guilty pleasure TV show: Gilmore Girls
  • For my last meal: Red Curry from Salween Thai
  • Would like a lifetime supply of: Reece's Peanut Butter Cups


Jesse Woo, MD

Jesse Woo, MD

  • Hometown: Honolulu, Hawaii
  • Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine
  • Best place I’ve visited: A secluded, natural cave near Eternity Beach on Oahu with a window view of the ocean. Serene, great acoustics, feels absolutely magical!
  • Biggest fear: I discovered my fear of clusters of holes (trypophobia) for the first time when I looked at cells under a microscope. Histoplasmosis is by far the worst cell, and lotus pods make me gag. I have nothing but respect for our pathology friends
  • Weirdest secret hobby: I will make the 1-hour drive from Omaha to Lincoln to play at the Round 1 Arcade as a black card member. Their plushie selection is top tier

Third Year

Dr. Justin Allen

Justin Allen, MD

  • Hometown: Centerville, Utah
  • Medical School: UTMB Galveston
  • Would like a lifetime supply of: Jalapeno Kettle Cooked chips
  • High School fame: Soccer has always been a large part of my life, and in high school that is probably what I was best known for
  • If I won the lottery: I would pay off my student loans!


Dr. Albert Dickan

Albert Dickan, MD

  • Hometown: Long Beach, California
  • Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine
  • If I could travel anywhere: Internationally, a toss-up between traveling to Japan or New Zealand. Within the US, driving along PCH from So Cal to Washington State (I've done this part way) and visiting Yellowstone
  • For my last meal: Let's make it Omaha themed: the omakase from Yoshitomo and a cinnamon donut from Sweet Magnolias for dessert


Dr. Nancy He

Nancy He Kartiko, MD

  • Hometown: Omaha, Nebraska
  • Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine
  • If I could travel anywhere: Amalfi Coast
  • Drink of choice: The most fruity/sweet drink on the menu!
  • Guilty pleasure TV show: Bachelorette
Dr. Lalangi Marasinghe

Lalangi Marasinghe, MD

  • Hometown: Grand Forks, North Dakota
  • Medical School: University of North Dakota
  • If I could travel anywhere: New Zealand
  • Guilty pleasure TV show: Bachelor/Bachelorette (with my co-residents)
  • Career I almost pursued: Astrobiology


Dr. Grethel Perez Meek

Grethel Perez Meek, DO

  • Hometown: West Palm Beach, Florida
  • Medical School: Des Moines University College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Fun Fact: I’m technically a lottery winner! I was born in Cuba, and my parents won the Visa lottery shortly before I turned five. This gave us the opportunity to move to the United States


Dr. Joshua Robak

Joshua Robak, MD

  • Hometown: St. Cloud, Minnesota
  • Medical School: University of North Dakota
  • Strange talent: Bubble Hockey
  • Career I almost pursued: Journalism
  • Best place I’ve visited: 48-day canoe trip on the Coppermine River to the Arctic Ocean. I enjoyed the camaraderie of the crew and the peaceful exhilaration of river paddling

Fourth Year

Dr. Coralie Eilers

Coralie Eilers, MD


Dr. Haley Schuster

Haley Schuster, MD

  • Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri
  • Medical School: Creighton University School of Medicine
  • If I could travel anywhere: Alaska, but I'll settle for anywhere with mountains
  • Song I play on repeat: Vagabond by Caamp
  • Greatest fear: Growing up and not being happy
Dr. Kyle Sramek​

Kyle Sramek, MD


Dr. David Wilton

David Wilton, MD

Contact Us

To reach your doctor by phone, please call:

  • Lasting Hope: 402.717.5550
  • Or Immanuel: 402.572.2916


Residency Coordinator

Adrienne Van Winkle