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Brand Platform

The Perception of Our Brand

Based on comprehensive discovery and research, our Brand Platform reveals the key insights that establish our positioning and guide our brand strategy.
Our brand promise presents our strongest and most ownable position in the market. This is not a tagline, but rather, a simple, distilled phrase that forms a foundational point for our strategy.
Our brand pillars further define our competitive advantage through our three biggest strengths: what we believe in, what connects people to us and what we do differently or better than other institutions.
Our personality helps us to establish and maintain a consistent tone throughout our communications.
Our foundation is based on important, yet non-differentiating, pride points.

Our Brand Promise

A Jesuit Education at the Intersection of Health and Humanity, Forming Leaders to Build a More Just World.



Brand Pillars

The Formative Community

At Creighton, many diverse paths converge into a transformative journey experienced together. We learn across disciplines, act through shared values and invest in each other’s futures.


The Body of Scholar-Mentors

Our faculty members are attentive teachers and experts in their disciplines. They are dedicated to the success of their students in their studies, their lives and their careers.


The Reflective Academic Heart

Grounded by our humanist tradition, Creighton academics go deeper and broaden our understanding of ourselves, those around us and the world.


The Creighton Professional

Our second-to-none professional schools produce unique, superior professionals who enter their fields wholly educated, morally fit and expertly trained.


The Tradition of Impact

We stand committed to service to others, research that drives purposeful change and meaningful contributions that reflect our Jesuit identity and help to transform the world.



Restless in pursuit of our goals.



Judicious and well-rounded in our intellect.



Generous in our care for others.



Earnest in our asking of honorable questions.


  • A nationally known, comprehensive, private university with the Midwest character of Omaha

  • One of the largest Catholic health professions educators in the United States

  • A dynamic network of campuses in Omaha, Phoenix and the Dominican Republic

  • Guided by Jesuit, Catholic values, and embracing our roots in this tradition and faith

  • A community that believes in the dignity of the individual, and in building spaces and relationships where each person can thrive