The mission of the Department of Biomedical Sciences graduate programs is to provide excellent academic programs that educate and train the next generation of scientists, educators, and health-related professionals through scholarship and research that fosters creativity, discovery, and community service.
The programs are flexible and cater to the needs and interests of individual students. Education is predominant through participation in research, taking advantage of opportunities for strategic collaboration between the basic and clinical sciences.
The research of the faculty covers a wide range of disciples ranging from biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, organismal biology and translational research. Broadly the department is focused on two major thematic areas: neuroscience of hearing and hearing loss and cancer biology. The Department encourages collaborative research interaction with faculty in the Departments of Pharmacology, Medical Microbiology & Immunology, Medicine and Surgery; the Osteoporosis Research Center, The Boys Town National Research Hospital and the Veteran’s Administration Hospital.
Neuroscience (Neuroanatomy, Neurobiology, Neurophysiology)
David He: Auditory neurobiology and neurophysiology
Garrett Soukup: Role of MicroRNAs in neurosensory systems
Peter Steyger: Auditory neurobiology and neurophysiology
Hearing and Hearing Loss
David He: Cochlear sensory hair cells, outer hair cell motility, age-related hearing loss
Garrett Soukup: MicroRNAs in development and maintenance of sensory hair cells and neurons
Peter Steyger: Mechanisms of aminoglycoside antibiotics-induced hearing loss
Litao Tao: Epigenetic regulation of gene transcription in the cochlea
Cancer Biology
Laura Hansen: Prevention and treatment of skin cancer
Brian North: Molecular mechanisms of cancer, aging and age-related diseases
Molecular Structure and Function of Peptides
Sandor Lovas: Peptide chemistry, Structural bioinformatics and proteomics, biophysical chemistry
David Smith: Chemical synthesis of peptides