Internal Medicine Residency Program

Welcome to the Internal Medicine Residency Program

We aim to embrace diversity and promote resilience in our graduates who excel in compassion for others, research, and academic leadership.

Our Internal Medicine Residency Program goes beyond providing you with the academic learning environment and the clinical experience that is essential for the practice of medicine.

Not pictured: Max Kirchner and Prasad Prayaga

What to Expect

  • A diverse patient population: by gender, race, religion, socioeconomic status with a variety of clinical problems and stages of disease
  • Balance between residency, study time and family
  • Ongoing core faculty mentorships
  • Appropriate level of autonomy while being pushed to succeed
  • A comprehensive administrative team that responds to the needs of our residents
  • Eligible for tuition remission
Stat 77

total residents

• 67 categorical
• 6 primary care
• 4 rural track

Stat 7

in-house fellowships

Stat 45

residents published
during a 3 year cumulative

Our Program Offers

  • Awards/recognition for excellence
  • NEJM Knowledge +, UWorld USMLE Step 3 Prep, and UWorld ABIM Board Prep
  • QI leadership and development
  • Research and scholarly development
  • Professional development
  • Opportunities for committee participation
  • Allocation for meal expenses at all campuses

Chart footnote:
*Includes programs who, across the three-year span, had at least 10 first-takers who graduated the year of or the year prior to their exam.
**Presented if Creighton's program, across the three-year span, had at least 10 first-takers who received final evaluations from Creighton's program and graduate the year of or the year prior to their exam.

ABIM pass rate

Jesuit Values

Inspired by Jesuit values, we take pride in developing not just your professional skills, but also the whole person.

We are comprised of engaged and enthusiastic individuals focused on treating and training in an environment anchored in heart, mind and soul.

Why Choose Internal Medicine at Creighton?

Dr Gupta
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Who Are Creighton Internal Medicine Residents?

Ready to learn more and meet some of the incredible people that make up our Internal Medicine program?

Watch this video and you’ll see our culture is one of teamwork, respect and genuine care. 

Internal Medicine Resident Diversity

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Your Well-Being Matters

Here at Creighton we care for the whole person.

Learn more about how we support our residents.

Stat 393

beds at CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center— Bergan Mercy

Stat 5

training sites in Omaha and surrounding areas

Stat 210

Faculty (full-time and contributive services)

Welcome to Omaha

Omaha is full of opportunity and a fantastic place to live.

Watch this video to find out why Omaha is so special.

Our QI and Research Opportunities

Internal Medicine resident
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Publications and Conference Presentations 2022-2023

Research and Scholarship has increased 4 consecutive years in a row. Most recently, 320 publications in 2023 and 254 publications in 2022.

Our Mission and Aims

As a department of Creighton University, our Mission is excellence in our professional programs. Creighton exists for students and learning. Members of the Creighton community are challenged to reflect on transcendent values, including a relationship with God, in an atmosphere of freedom of inquiry, belief and religious worship.


Service to others, the importance of family life, the inalienable worth of each individual, and appreciation of ethnic and cultural diversity, are core values of Creighton; Creighton faculty members conduct research to enhance teaching, to contribute to the betterment of society, and to discover new knowledge. Faculty and staff stimulate critical and creative thinking increasingly complex world. Deriving from the mission of Creighton University, the Department of Internal Medicine is committed to resident education that is learner focused and academically rigorous.

Our residents are prepared to face an ever changing and evolving landscape of medicine, while still remembering our core values of what defines an excellent physician: excellent evidence based care given with compassion, understanding, and cura personalis (Jesuit value of caring for the whole patient). Our residents serve our diverse community, including the underserved, and treat all patients with respect and dignity. This aligns with the core values of our sponsoring institution CHI Health, which includes reverence, integrity, compassion, and excellence.

Program Aims

  1. Our program prioritize diversity, equity and inclusions principals in our resident recruitment, rotational experience and educational curriculum. We will recruit a diverse class of residents each year, including residents from U.S. and international programs, and have a recruitment and selection process that promotes and values diversity, equity, and equality of underrepresented minority candidates.
  2. Our program will transform our residents into lifelong learners who continuously strive for academic excellence in an innovative, adaptive learning environment that incorporates the use of technology in the delivery of holistic patient care.
  3. We have a supportive, collegial training environment that places an emphasis on resident wellness and resiliency and installs in our residents tools to help prevent burnout in their future practice.
  4. We aim to have a residency program that will be a national innovator and leader in providing customized educational opportunities that prepare residents to practice and excel in the diverse, ever changing landscape of Internal Medicine. This includes a customized educational experience for a resident interested in hospital medicine, primary care, rural medicine, and advancement to fellowship training.

Contact Us

Program Managers
Rhonda Peavy

Ashley Ring

Julia Mack 

Program Director
Bradley DeVrieze, MD